Aug 17, 2015 0 0 p/invoke gotcha: C++ bool is not Win32 BOOLEAN is not UnmanagedType.Bool Raymond Chen Watch the sizes.
Aug 14, 2015 0 0 Windows started picking up the really big pieces of TerminateThread garbage on the sidewalk, but it’s still garbage on the sidewalk Raymond Chen So stop throwing garbage on the sidewalk.
Aug 13, 2015 0 0 Crashes in the I/O stack tend to occur in programs which do the most I/O Raymond Chen just playing the odds.
Aug 12, 2015 0 0 Why does the taskbar icon for grouped windows change to something weird? Raymond Chen Because you told it to use that icon.
Aug 11, 2015 0 0 The ARM processor architecture: Somebody else’s introduction Raymond Chen Over at the NT Debugging blog.
Aug 11, 2015 0 0 The changing fortunes of being the last program on the Start menu Raymond Chen Last but not least.
Aug 10, 2015 0 0 What if I have two programs that are logically a single application, and I want them to be treated as a single group on the taskbar? Raymond Chen The Application User Model ID strikes again.
Aug 6, 2015 0 0 The Itanium processor, part 9: Counted loops and loop pipelining Raymond Chen Line up in neat order.
Aug 5, 2015 0 0 The Itanium processor, part 8: Advanced loads Raymond Chen I hoped you were going to say that.