Showing results for May 2015 - Page 2 of 3 - The Old New Thing

May 13, 2015

Why don't you forward WM_GETMINMAXINFO and clamp the results?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

In my illustration of how to make a window resizable in only one direction, commenter Josua asks, "Why don't you forward and clamp the results?" I'm going to assume the question is really "Why don't you forward before clamping the results?" rather than "Why did you bother writing all this code in the first place? Why not simply forward and cla...

May 12, 2015

How does Task Manager compute Up Time, and why doesn't it agree with GetTickCount?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Task Manager shows a piece of information called "Up time". How is this value calculated, and why doesn't it agree with the value reported by /? Task Manager calculates "up time" by subtracting the system boot time from the current time. In other words, it is misnamed; it really should be called time since system was started. It doesn't subtract ...

May 7, 2015

Hidden message in a T-shirt, it's been done before

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

While everybody is trying to figure out the hidden message in Joe Belfiore's T-shirt,¹ I figure I'd give you an easier puzzle. Here is the pattern of 0's and 1's printed on the T-shirt handed given out at the Windows 8 kick-off meeting. Because you don't have a project until you have a T-shirt. The actual shirt clipped many of the digi...

May 5, 2015

What does it mean when the Advanced Security Settings dialog says that an ACE was inherited from "Parent Object" without naming the specific parent?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

The Advanced Security Settings dialog shows the ACEs in an object's ACL, and one of the pieces of information is a column labeled Inherited from which identifies whether the ACE was inherited, and if so, from where. A customer observed that when they opened the Advanced Security Settings dialog, one of their objects had an ACE that showed Parent Ob...
