Showing results for June 2013 - Page 2 of 3 - The Old New Thing

Jun 18, 2013

Microspeak: to family well

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

If you hang out with designers, you may hear the word family used as a verb, usually with the adverb well. The old icons now look dated and do not family well with the Web site. We renamed the feature from Auto Shape to Instant Shape so that it families well with other features like Instant Color. The authenticity certificate on the side of the...

Jun 17, 2013

I wonder if the Queen of England ever pulls this sort of prank in real life

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I dreamed that I was playing doubles tennis. My partner was Boris Becker. Our opponents were the Queen of England and a policeman on a horse. The horse served his horseshoe, which I returned poorly. As the horseshoe bounced across the ground, it made huge divots. The game was called due to poor ground conditions. The Queen played a game with the ...

Jun 17, 2013

Displaying a property sheet for multiple files

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Today's Little Program will show a property sheet that covers multiple files, just like the one you get from Explorer if you multi-select a bunch of files and right-click them all then select Properties. In fact, that description of how you do the operation interactively maps directly to how you do the operation programmatically! #define UNICO...

Jun 12, 2013

Dispatch interfaces as connection point interfaces

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Last time, we learned about how connection points work. One special case of this is where the connection interface is a dispatch interface. Dispatch interfaces are, as the name suggests, COM interfaces based on IDispatch. The IDispatch interface is the base interface for OLE automation objects, and if you want your connection point interface to...

Jun 11, 2013

An introduction to COM connection points

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Last time, we saw how to enumerate all the Internet Explorer and Explorer Windows and see what they are viewing. But that program printed static information. It didn't track the changes to the windows if the user clicked to another Web page or navigated to a different folder. In order to hook that up, we need to understand the connection point ...

Jun 10, 2013

Unexpected complexity of Swedish pronouns, and escaping the resulting embarrassment

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I dreamed that Swedish had separate third-person-plural pronouns based on gender. They were formed from han and hon by adding a common suffix, but the pattern broke down for det, and I got stuck trying to finish a sentence without knowing the correct word. I was able to escape from this embarrassing situation by using a technique available only i...

Jun 10, 2013

A big little program: Monitoring Internet Explorer and Explorer windows, part 1: Enumeration

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Normally, Monday is the day for Little Programs, but this time I'm going to spend a few days on a single Little Program. Now, this might very well disqualify it from the name Little Program, but the concepts are still little; all I'm doing is snapping blocks together. (Plus, it's my Web site, so you can just suck it.) The goal of our Little Pro...
