Normally, Monday is the day for Little Programs, but this time I’m going to spend a few days on a single Little Program. Now, this might very well disqualify it from the name Little Program, but the concepts are still little; all I’m doing is snapping blocks together. (Plus, it’s my Web site, so you can just suck it.)
The goal of our Little Program is to monitor Internet Explorer
and Explorer windows as they are created, navigate to new locations,
and are destroyed.
(In principle, other Web browsers can participate in this protocol,
but I don’t know of any that do, so I’ll assume that only Explorer
and Internet Explorer
register with the ShellWindows
The key to all this is the
which we’ve
spent time
playing with
in the past.
Today we’re going to write a helper function that takes an object
returned by the
and extract the window handle and current location.
This is the guts of our Little Program,
so I’m basically doing the cool stuff up front,
and then leaving the annoying bits for later.
#define UNICODE #define _UNICODE #define STRICT #define STRICT_TYPED_ITEMIDS #include <windows.h> #include <ole2.h> #include <iostream>#include <shlobj.h> #include <atlbase.h> #include <atlalloc.h>
Now that we got the preliminary header file goop out of the way, we can write the exciting function.
HRESULT GetBrowserInfo(IUnknown *punk, HWND *phwnd, PWSTR *ppszLocation) { HRESULT hr;CComPtr<IShellBrowser> spsb; hr = IUnknown_QueryService(punk, SID_STopLevelBrowser, IID_PPV_ARGS(&spsb)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spsb->GetWindow(phwnd); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = GetLocationFromView(spsb, ppszLocation); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
return GetLocationFromBrowser(punk, ppszLocation); }
Awfully short for what purported to be an exciting function, but that’s because I hid the exciting parts in helper functions.
First, we take the object and ask to locate the top-level browser,
since that’s where some of the interesting information hangs out.
We ask for the IShellBrowser
so we can get the
window handle via the base class method
That’s the easy part.
Getting the current location is tricky, because Explorer windows do it one way, and Internet Explorer does it another way. That’s because Explorer windows browse the shell namespace, whereas Internet Explorer windows browse the Internet. Shell namespace locations are represented by pidls, whereas Internet locations are represented by URLs.
First, the Explorer way:
HRESULT GetLocationFromView(IShellBrowser *psb, PWSTR *ppszLocation) { HRESULT hr;*ppszLocation = nullptr;
CComPtr<IShellView> spsv; hr = psb->QueryActiveShellView(&spsv); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComQIPtr<IPersistIDList> sppidl(spsv); if (!sppidl) return E_FAIL;
CComHeapPtr<ITEMIDLIST_ABSOLUTE> spidl; hr = sppidl->GetIDList(&spidl); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComPtr<IShellItem> spsi; hr = SHCreateItemFromIDList(spidl, IID_PPV_ARGS(&spsi)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spsi->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_DESKTOPABSOLUTEPARSING, ppszLocation); return hr; }
The maze we navigate here is to start from the
and get to the
by calling
It’s rather annoying that the
method always returns you an
rather than being forward-looking and
letting you pass a riid
(The shell has for the most part learned this lesson, and new
object creation or retrieval functions tend to take the
pair so you can specify
your ring size when you place the order instead of always getting
a size 6 ring and then having to resize it.)
doesn’t let us specify the desired interface, we have to
do the QueryInterface
to convert the IShellView
into what we really
want: The IPersistIDList
From the IPersistIDList
we ask for the pidl,
which now tells us what the Explorer window is looking at.
For display purposes, we convert it into a string by
converting the pidl into an IShellItem
(notice the handy
pair produced by the
and then asking the shell item for its parsing name.
(We saw techniques similar to this a few years ago.)
If it turns out we don’t have an Explorer window, then we try again using the Web browser interfaces:
HRESULT GetLocationFromBrowser(IUnknown *punk, PWSTR *ppszLocation) { HRESULT hr;CComQIPtr<IWebBrowser2> spwb2(punk); if (!spwb2) return E_FAIL;
CComBSTR sbsLocation; hr = spwb2->get_LocationURL(&sbsLocation); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return SHStrDupW(sbsLocation, ppszLocation); }
We turn the object into an IWebBrowser2
and ask
for the LocationURL
The annoyance here is that
is an automation interface,
so it uses BSTR
for passing strings around,
which is different from
which uses CoTaskMemAlloc
since that is the convention for non-dispatch COM interfaces.
We therefore have to convert the BSTR
to a task-allocated
before returning,
so that the return value is consistent with
Finally, we call the function in a loop to test that it actually works:
CComPtr<IShellWindows> g_spWindows;HRESULT DumpWindows() { CComPtr<IUnknown> spunkEnum; HRESULT hr = g_spWindows->_NewEnum(&spunkEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComQIPtr<IEnumVARIANT> spev(spunkEnum); for (CComVariant svar; spev->Next(1, &svar, nullptr) == S_OK; svar.Clear()) { if (svar.vt != VT_DISPATCH) continue;
HWND hwnd; CComHeapPtr<WCHAR> spszLocation; if (FAILED(GetBrowserInfo(svar.pdispVal, &hwnd, &spszLocation))) continue;
std::wcout << hwnd << L” ” << static_cast<PCWSTR>(spszLocation) << std::endl; } return S_OK; }
int __cdecl wmain(int, PWSTR argv[]) { CCoInitialize init; g_spWindows.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellWindows); DumpWindows(); g_spWindows.Release();
return 0; }
Yes, I stupidly made g_spWindows
a global variable, but it’ll come in handy later.
(It’s still stupid, but at least there’s a reason for
the stupidity.)
Okay, we can take this program for a spin. When you run it, it should print the window handles and locations of all your Explorer and Internet Explorer windows.
Before we can start hooking up events to keep this list up to date, we need to learn a bit about connection points and using dispatch interfaces as connection point interfaces. We’ll spend a few days on those topics, then return to our program.