The Old New Thing

It rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway: Writing to the application directory

We received a security vulnerability report that went roughly like this: There is a security vulnerability in the X component. It loads from the current directory, thereby making it vulnerable to a current directory attack. Here is a sample program that illustrates the problem. Copy a rogue into the current directory and run the ...

Replaying input is not the same as reprocessing it

Once upon a time, there was an application that received some input and said, "Okay, this input cancels my temporary state. I want to exit my temporary state, but I also want the input that took me out of the temporary state to go to whatever control would have received the input if I hadn't been in the temporary state in the first place." (...

The QuickCD PowerToy, a brief look back

One of the original Windows 95 PowerToys was a tool called QuickCD. Though that wasn't its original name. The original name of the QuickCD PowerToy was FlexiCD. You'd think that it was short for "Flexible CD Player", but you'd be wrong. FlexiCD was actually named after its author, whose name is Felix, but who uses the "Flexi" anagram as ...