A customer asked if there was a command-line tool for managing Windows 7 Libraries so that they could create and deploy libraries across their organization.
Not only is there such a tool, it even comes with source code.
Shell Library Command Line Sample
shows how to manage Windows 7 libraries programmatically
via the
And it’s actually a useful program on its own.
Usage: shlib.exe SUBCOMMAND Displays and modifies the attributes of Shell Libraries. Supported commands: create Creates a library at the specified path. info Prints info about the given library. enum Enumerates the folders in the library. setattrib Modifies the attributes of the library. add Adds the specified folder to the specified library. remove Removes the specified folder from the library. setsaveloc Sets the default save location of the library. resolve Resolves the specified folder in the library. resolveall Resolves all locations in the library in bulk. manage Displays the Manage Library Dialog for the library.
For example, to see all the folders that are part of your Documents library, use the command
shlib enum FOLDERID_DocumentsLibrary
Each of the commands has further sub-options.
Usage: create shlib.exe [OPTIONS] [...] Creates a library at the specified path. Options: -create[:ARG] Specifies that a new library should be created. <none> Fail if the library already exists. overwrite Overwrite any existing library. uniquename Generate a unique name in case of conflict. The library may be specified by a file system path, or by a KNOWNFOLDERID (e.g. "FOLDERID_DocumentsLibrary").
And the source code shows how to perform each of these actions programmatically.
The IShellLibrary
interface is also supported by
Windows API Code Pack for .NET,
so you C# folks can use it too.
(One thing I noticed that is missing from the sample is a
Shouldn’t be hard to implement.
You just call