Showing results for May 2011 - Page 3 of 3 - The Old New Thing

May 5, 2011

Your program loads libraries by their short name and you don't even realize it

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

In the discussion of the problems that occur if you load the same DLL by both its short and long names, Xepol asserted that any program which loads a DLL by its short name "would have ONLY itself to blame for making stupid, unpredictable, asinine assumptions" and that Windows should "change the loader to NOT load any dll with a short name where the...

May 4, 2011

Why don't the file timestamps on an extracted file match the ones stored in the ZIP file?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer liaison had the following question: My customer has ZIP files stored on a remote server being accessed from a machine running Windows Server 2003 and Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. When we extract files from the ZIP file, the last-modified time is set to the current time rather than the time specified in the ZIP ...

May 3, 2011

Like a chicken talking to a duck

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Many years ago, I called the home of my Chinese-speaking nieces. This was before they started learning English and before I started learning their dialect of Chinese. After the call was over, the eldest niece asked, "Who was that on the phone?" "That was Uncle Raymond." "Oh, I want to talk to Uncle Raymond!" Her mother replied, "That'd be like ...

May 3, 2011

That's not a duck

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

One of the audio features added to Windows 7 goes by the formal name stream attenuation, but it is more commonly known to people in the audio world as ducking. Ducking is the process of lowering the volume of background sounds in order to draw more attention to the foreground sound. For example, when you're watching a big battle scene in a ...

May 2, 2011

The Importance of Being Snooki

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

What if Jersey Shore were actually a play written by Oscar Wilde? Algernon Moncrieff and Jack Worthing from Broadway's current production of The Importance of Being Earnest explore that premise in a five-part series titled "Jersey Shore" Gone Wilde, drawing its dialogue from things actually said on "Jersey Shore". The dialogue and delivery are ...

May 2, 2011

Hidden compatibility constraints of redirecting program execution via a stub

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

One of the "obvious" solutions to the issue of how much work you're willing to do to save 68KB of disk space was to replace one of the copies with a stub that launches the other copy. If you try this obvious solution, you may run into some compatibility issues. First of all, there are programs which launch Notepad and then wait on the process ...
