The Old New Thing

What makes RealGetWindowClass so much more real than GetClassName?

There's and then there's . What makes more real? Recall from last time that the functions were added to support Windows accessibility. The goal with is to help accessibility tools identify what kind of window it is working with, even if the application did a little disguising in the form of superclassing. If you ask for the class ...

Psychic debugging: When I copy a file to the clipboard and then paste it, I get an old version of the file

A customer reported the following strange problem: I tried to copy some text files from my computer to another computer on the network. After the copy completes, I looked at the network directory and found that while it did contain files with the same names as the ones I copied, they have completely wrong timestamps. Curious, I opened up the...

Windows 7 not only can make a wallpaper slide show from images on your computer, it can even pull them from an RSS feed

Buried in the theme file documentation is a section called [Slideshow] which lets you control the source for images that are used when you put the desktop wallpaper in slideshow mode. And a bonus feature hidden in the [Slideshow] section is the ability to draw the images from an RSS feed. After creating the .theme file, double-click it and it...

That mysterious 01

Some time ago, we learned the story of that mysterious J. There is another mystery character that sometimes shows up in place of a smiley face: the \001. The character starts out as the Unicode U+263A, which looks like this: ☺. In code page 437, this character lives at position 1, and depending on what program is being ...

The __fortran calling convention isn't the calling convention used by FORTRAN

Although the Microsoft C compiler supports a calling convention called , that's just what the calling convention is called; its relationship with the FORTRAN programming language is only coincidental. The keyword is now just an old-fashioned synonym for . Various FORTRAN compilers use different calling conventions; the one I describe here ...