Showing results for April 2008 - Page 4 of 5 - The Old New Thing

Apr 8, 2008

Over 1500 times the net worth of Bill Gates yet nobody has heard of him

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Dr. Carlos Alves, owner and president of the Solomao Alves Group (I'm pretty sure there's an accent mark missing, but that's what it says on the site), must be the richest man on the planet: "Company generates annual revenue exceeding $20 billion and owns personal assets valued at $100 trillion." One hundred trillion dollars in personal assets. ...

Apr 8, 2008

I always get scared when I see people trying to organize the Internet into hierarchies

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I always get scared when I see people propose building neat little "hierarchically organized" taxonomies of something that is, well, a web. I think these are people who get their kicks out of having all their shoes lined up neatly in front of the doorstep, sorted alphabetically by designer. "Hey, let's classify all the blogs so we can have a Micros...

Apr 7, 2008

How to tell which end of the Metro platform to stand on, and other survival tips for the Lisbon subway system

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

The Metropolitano de Lisboa includes an English-language list of tips for riding the Metro. Here are some more tips that all the locals know, but which no guide book tells you. In most subway systems, trains outside of peak hours are not full-length but rather fill only part of the station. In the subway systems I'm familiar with in the United S...

Apr 7, 2008

What happened to winipcfg and netmon?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Commenter Michael Moulton asks: Back in the Win95 & 98 days, we had winipcfg to manage DHCP leases on the client. Additionally, we had an app (I think it was netmon) to let you view people currently accessing your shares. Now, we have ipconfig on the command line and nothing like netmon. I'd be interested in hearing why those tools weren...

Apr 4, 2008

21: like 24 but three hours shorter

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

When I first heard that a new project titled 21 was coming out, I simply assumed it was the same as 24, except that Jack Bauer gets some sleep. Pre-emptive snarky comment: "Somebody was clearly sleeping when they designed Vista."

Apr 3, 2008

When a treehouse just isn't good enough

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Not satisfied with a patio or treehouse, some people have built a monorail or a roller coaster in their backyard. And then there's this one guy who apparently has not yet run out of strange things to build in his backyard. Former projects include include a domed swimming pool, a garden accessible only from above, a carousel, and a forty-four fo...

Apr 3, 2008

How do I force the ECHO command to echo?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

The built-in command, how much simpler could it get? It takes whatever you put on the command line and prints it. And yet it's not that simple. For example, the must be careful not to compress whitespace, because people will write and when you execute this, the result had better be and not But what if you want to echo a blank line or ...

Apr 2, 2008

Lisbon: The city whose public transportation system operates in three dimensions

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Lisbon is a very hilly city. The public transportation system in Lisbon is a quaint mix of old and new. There's a tram system over a hundred years old; on it run both historic trains as well as sleek modern ones. There's also a modern bus system and a subway. And all of these systems run north, south, east, and west all over town. But it's the o...

Apr 2, 2008

Maybe that's how you do it, but around here, we have a different convention for indicating which things are broken

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

One of the reactions to my story of investigating a dead computer struck me as rather strange. Commenter Steve wrote, "Usually video cards left on a table don't works well (the one inside a computer have a better probability)." While it's true that the ones inside a computer are more likely to work, it's not the case, at least around here, that th...

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