Showing results for September 2006 - Page 2 of 4 - The Old New Thing

Sep 22, 2006

Things you already know: How do I wait until my dialog box is displayed before doing something?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

One customer wanted to wait until the dialog box was displayed before displaying its own dialog box. (Personally, I think immediately displaying a doubly-nested dialog box counts as starting off on the wrong foot from a usability standpoint, but let's set that issue aside for now.) The customer discovered that displaying the nested dialog box in r...

Sep 21, 2006

It’s that season again: The Microsoft Company Meeting

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Today is the 2006 Microsoft Company Meeting, and with it the continuation of what I consider to be one of the most annoying Company Meeting traditions: The group that cheers wildly any time their project name is mentioned. It's never the same group year to year. Instead, a different group (or groups) independent decides to be the annoying one for ...

Sep 21, 2006

If you don't trust your administrators, you've already lost

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Occasionally, a customer will ask for a way they can restrict what the administrator can do. The short answer to this is, "Um, no, that's why they're called 'Administrator'." You can try to set up roadblocks, say, ACL files to revoke access to a file you don't want the administrator to read, but the Administrator can always take ownership of the fi...

Sep 20, 2006

It is as if our leaders have not been educated in orbital space colonization

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Yesterday were held the primary elections in the state of Washington. Most of the partisan positions were uncontested, so there wasn't much to research. The one with the most candidates was for one of the state's Senate seats, and among those candidates were some who might be considered "a bit unorthodox". None of these candidates appears to hav...

Sep 19, 2006

Why doesn't the Shutdown dialog use Alt to get alternate behavior?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

When you select "Shut Down" from the Start menu, a dialog appears with three options: "Stand By", "Turn Off" and "Restart". To get the secret fourth option "Hibernate" you have to press the shift key. Would the Alt key be the more obvious choice for revealing alternate options? You might think so, but it so happens that Alt already has meaning. In...

Sep 18, 2006

Project Update 2: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

If everything went according to plan, the trip to the hole in the Arctic Ocean should have completed a few months ago. I went to the web site to see what they found, only to discover that it's been postponed another year, to June 26, 2007. This is clearly the handiwork of the world government attempting to suppress the release of information t...

Sep 18, 2006

Sometimes my psychic powers are weak

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Why does my MFC program exit unexpectedly? The stack trace at the point we hit goes like this: Thanks. You can already see some of what's going on, but clearly more information is needed. My first psychic suggestion was to examine MFC's message pump to see what causes it to exit. Then follow the money backwards. That's what we want to kn...

Sep 15, 2006

Disaster averted, thanks to international time zones

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Boy, the world has been really lucky this year. After successfully avoiding a massive tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean, the world narrowly escaped global disaster as predicted by Yisrayl Hawkins, leader of the organization The House of Yahweh. What saved us? Well, I'll let Mosheh Sang, leader of the organization in Kenya, explain: According to Sa...
