Having grown up on the east coast, I imprinted on Dunkin Donuts. Once a month we would stop at DD on the way home and buy a shoebox of doughnuts. Toasted coconut and butternut, those were my favorites. Ironically, Dunkin Donuts is really a coffee shop disguised as a doughnut shop. (Doughnuts account for only 20% of their sales; coffee 50%.) So during my travels through Manhattan, I walked past one of the twenty-five zillion Dunkin Donuts stores there and popped in for a toasted coconut doughnut. One bite and I was a little kid again. Some people say that DD’s doughnuts are awful, but that’s pretty much irrelevant to me by now. It’s all about the memories that are invoked.
And besides, those people are wrong. I don’t understand the appeal of KK donuts. They have no flavor; it’s just sugar.