Love lures French kids to German:
Come and learn German – a language of love! Hundreds of advertisements in France this week will promote the unusual message to try to woo teenagers to a language they often consider difficult and ugly.
“Language is the key to understand a partner, his culture, working manners and lifestyle,” [French President Jacques] Chirac and [German Chancellor Gerhard] Schroeder said in a joint statement on Wednesday ahead of “Franco-German day”.
It should be noted that Chirac does not speak German. (At least, not yet.) Schröder likely does not speak French, though the article doesn’t mention it explicitly. Personally, I like the sound of the German language. It’s the language for when you mean business and for getting the job done. The sentence structure builds up all this potential energy, and then all those verbs come flying at you in rapid succession – bam bam bam – and the sentence suddenly gels into place. It’s like speaking in reverse Polish notation. What’s not to like?