Showing results for Feature Announcement - The NuGet Blog

Sep 24, 2014

Supporting Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

Jeff Handley
Jeff Handley

Updated Sept. 2015: Our roadmap and requirements have changed and we have yet to implement these features as of NuGet v3.2. We are tracking this issue on GitHub. Please track this issue to follow our progress. We adopted Semantic Versioning (SemVer) in NuGet 1.6. At the time, SemVer 1.0.0 was the current version of the spec. Adopting SemVer provid...

Feature Announcement
Apr 30, 2013

A quick note about the new MinClientVersion attribute

Luan Nguyen
Luan Nguyen

In the NuGet 2.5 release, we added the MinClientVersion property to the package manifest schema to allow for a package to demand the minimum version of the NuGet client that can install it. Because this feature was added in version 2.5, older versions of NuGet won't be able to recognize it. Therefore, older clients will always refuse to install pa...

Feature Announcement
Apr 26, 2013

Support for Native Projects

Jeff Handley
Jeff Handley

In the NuGet 2.5 release notes, we called out that NuGet now has support for native projects. We wanted to explain exactly what "support for native projects" means. Visual Studio Support Until NuGet 2.5, if you were working in a Visual C++ project, the 'Manage NuGet Packages' context menu would not show up for the project; with NuGet 2.5, we now ...

Feature Announcement
Apr 22, 2013

XDT web.config transforms

Jeff Handley
Jeff Handley

Sitting there since October 12, 2010, with a total of 55 votes accumulated since then, there's a NuGet feature that has had more than its fair share of attention: Support Visual Studio (XDT) Web.config Transforms. It's the 17th highest voted work item of all time for NuGet, and the 5th highest voted open work item. Today, we are announcing that we ...

Feature Announcement