.NET Blog

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Web Deployment: Excluding Files and Folders via the Web Application’s Project File

Web Deployment (see this posting for an overview) offers a set of pre-determined options to allow users to include the most common sets of files for deployment.  These options are as follows and can be found under the “Items to deploy” section on the Package / Publish Web property page. (image)   Only files needed to run this ...

One-Click Publish – What’s New Since Beta 2

Publishing using MSDeploy In-Process Deployment or Remote Agent Through the Beta 2 release, VS 2010 had only supported publishing to servers using MSDeploy's IIS deployment handler technology integrated with the “Web Management Service”, a.k.a. WMSVC. As long as you had an account on a hosting server ...

Extending the Web Publishing Pipeline to package database project deployed SQL file

A Visual Studio solution file may contain both database project and a web application project.  When deploying (not building) the database project, it can generate a .sql file containing the full sql file or an incremental upgrade file against a database.  This blogs walkthrough one way to package database project generated sql file ...

Issue with dependent assemblies when rebuilding a WAP and the Workarounds

In Visual Studio 2010, the dependent assembly of a custom control assembly will be deleted from the project’s Bin folder on project clean or rebuild if the project does not contain a reference to that dependent assembly. The result will be a WAP that successfully builds but fails at runtime. When adding a control from such a custom control...