.NET Blog

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Moving to real time test discovery in Test Explorer

Real time test discovery is a new Visual Studio feature that uses a Roslyn analyzer to discover tests and populate the test explorer in real time without requiring you to build your project. This feature has been introduced in Visual Studio 2017 15.5 Preview 2 behind a feature flag. You can try it out by using the instructions in the next ...

What’s New in C# 7.0

Update (4/2017): See New Features in C# 7.0, the update to this post. What follows is a description of all the planned language features in C# 7.0. With the release of Visual Studio "15" Preview 4, most of these features are coming alive. Now is a great time to take them for a spin and tell us your thoughts! C# 7.0 adds a number...

What’s New in Visual Studio Update 1 for .NET Managed Languages

(image) Hold on to your hats, cowboys and cowgirls! A lot of exciting things are coming out of the .NET Managed Languages team for Visual Studio 2015 Update 1. Read on to learn more about new IDE features, interactive C#, new code analysis management, Visual F# improvements, and the new F5 experience for Roslyn open source development. (...

Our Summer Internship on the .NET Team

This post was written by Microsoft Explorer interns Daniel King, Zoë Petard, and Jessica Petty and highlights their project & experiences this summer working on the .NET Roslyn team. We loved having them this summer! Roslyn Diagnostic Analyzer Tutorial Tired of frustrating compile-time errors? Analyzers can examine code as you type...

Thank you for your contributions

(image) Since going open source, Roslyn has had 45 and Visual F# has had 29 unique code contributors external to Microsoft. To celebrate and appreciate our first contributors, we sent them each a small gift in the mail: a mug with the classic “cup of tea” language joke as well as the SHA1 of their first commit engraved on the back...