.NET Blog

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_references.js file’s auto sync feature

In VS2013 RTM, we shipped a not well known feature for _references.js file: /// <autosync enabled="true" />. If we specify /// <autosync enabled="true" /> in the beginning of ~/scripts/_references.js, then any addition, rename, deletion of JavaScript files in the project will automatically change the content ...

JavaScript Reference group Dedicated Worker

Travis Leithead showed a video "Building responsive apps and sites with HTML5 web workers" in BUILD. When editing "Dedicated worker" JavaScript file in Visual Studio 11 Developer's Preview, we need to add the following line in the beginning of the file to get the proper JavaScript web walker IntelliSense in the editor: "Dedicated Worker" is...

Web Custom Control Behavior and Authoring

  Some Best Practices and Guidance for Web Control Vendors Targeting Visual Studio The goal of this post is to provide guidance for control vendors on best practices for writing custom controls with regard to their behavior in Visual Studio. It is designed to give vendors insight into how Visual Studio behaves when performing common ...