.NET Blog

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Migrating a Sample WPF App to .NET Core 3 (Part 2)

In part 1 of this blog series, I began the process of porting a sample WPF app to .NET Core. In that post, I described the .NET Core migration process as having four steps: (image) We previously went through the first two steps - reviewing the app and its dependencies (including NuGet dependencies and a .NET Portability Analyzer report), ...

Migrating a Sample WPF App to .NET Core 3 (Part 1)

Olia recently wrote a post about how to port a WinForms app from .NET Framework to .NET Core. Today, I'd like to follow that up by walking through the steps to migrate a sample WPF app to .NET Core 3. Many of these steps will be familiar from Olia's post, but I've tried to differentiate this one by including some additional common dependencies...