Showing results for bower - .NET Blog

Jul 5, 2018

Workaround for Bower Version Deprecation

Justin Clareburt (MSFT)
Justin Clareburt (MSFT)

As of June 25, the version of Bower shipped with Visual Studio was deprecated, resulting in Bower operations failing when run in Visual Studio. If you use Bower, you will see an error something like: This will be fixed in Visual Studio 15.8. In the meantime, you can work around the issue by using a new version of Bower or by adding some configur...

ASP.NETVisual Studio
Apr 29, 2016

WebForms can Gulp too – Using Node Tools with ASP.NET WebForms

Jeffrey Fritz
Jeffrey Fritz

Visual Studio 2015 brought a set of tools into the IDE from the Node environment that are great for web developers to use.  Many folks who build JavaScript applications or single-page-applications were eager to see the introduction of these tools to Visual Studio.  Can the tried and true ASP.NET Web Forms framework use Gulp, npm, bower, and the Tas...