.NET Blog

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New Beginner Development Learning Center on MSDN

Are you a true beginner at web development?  Do you want to know what CSS stands for or how to write your first line of JavaScript?  Do you already know HTML and basic web development, but are new to ASP.NET?  Are you familiar with ASP.NET but are not sure how to add master pages or membership to your application? If ...

JScript IntelliSense in Visual Studio Orcas

The March CTP of Visual Studio marks the debut of a much-requested and long-awaited feature: improved JScript IntelliSense.  We’ve been working on this for almost a year now and I’m pretty excited to finally be able to share it with the public.  There are a variety of topics I’d like to deep dive into, but for today let’s ...

Visual Studio Orcas March CTP is available!

The March CTP (community technology preview) of Visual Studio Orcas is now available here.  You can either install it (side-by-side with VS 2005) or use via a VPC image.  This is the first CTP that contains significant web tools feature enhancements - the new HTML/Webforms Designer, Jscript Intellisense and Debugging, ...

Tip/Trick: Avoid launching 2 instances of IE when using Visual Studio 2005 on Windows Vista

I've seen user reports in several forums, where two instances of Internet Explorer get launched when doing F5, CTRL+F5, or View in Browser in Visual Studio 2005 running on Windows Vista. If you are encountering this issue, taking the following two steps should fix it: Install the beta version of the Visual Studio 2005...

How to use the new CSS features in Visual Studio Orcas

One of the questions I have gotten when showing the new CSS features in Orcas to customers is how do these tools help me analyze the styles on my page. Or more specifically, why doesn’t the page look like I think it should. One of the most powerful new tools included in Orcas is the CSS property grid. It looks somewhat like the standard ...

Difference Between Perf Data Reported by Different Tools – 4

.NET CLR Memory\% Time in GC counter and !runaway on thread(s) doing GC. The 2 common ways people use to look at the time spent in GC are the % Time in GC performance counter under .NET CLR Memory, and the CPU time displayed by the !runaway debugger command in cdb/windbg. What do they mean exactly? % Time in GC is calculated like this: When ...

Difference Between Perf Data Reported by Different Tools – 3

Both the !SOS.gchandles command (added in CLR 2.0) and the .NET CLR Memory\# GC Handles counter show you the number of GC handles you have in your process. The # GC Handles counter is one of the rare counters in the .NET CLR Memory category that doesn’t get updated at the end of each GC. Rather we update it in the handle table code, for ...

Difference Between Perf Data Reported by Different Tools – 2

Managed Heap Size We have both .NET CLR Memory perf counters and SoS extensions that report manged heap size related data. Difference 2 There are a few .NET CLR Memory counters that are related to the managed heap size: # Total Committed Bytes # Total Reserved Bytes I explained what these counters mean here. Now, how are ...