.NET Blog

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Mads Kristensen
Mads Kristensen
Aug 22, 2012

NuGet Gallery Performance Issues

Since August 16th, and especially since August 21st, the NuGet Gallery has been exhbiting intermittent performance issues. Some users are reporting errors when ...

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi
Aug 22, 2012

Web Deploy (MSDeploy) how to sync a folder

Today I saw the following question on StackOverflow MSDeploy - Deploying Contents of a Folder to a Remote IIS Server and decided to write this post to answer ...

pranav rastogi
pranav rastogi
Aug 22, 2012

Extra Information from OAuth/OpenId Provider

When you authenticate a user using the OAuth/OpenId providers, you can request for some extra information about the user if you have granted access for these ...

Brady Gaster
Brady Gaster
Aug 22, 2012

Announcing the Release of SignalR 0.5.3

SignalR 0.5.3 Release Notes The SignalR team has been working long hours in their team room in Building 18 for the past few months adding features, resolving...

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi
Aug 21, 2012

Visual Studio project compatibility and VisualStudioVersion

One of the most requested features of Visual Studio 2012 was the ability to open projects in both VS 2012 as well as VS 2010 (requires VS 2010 SP1). In case you...

Aug 20, 2012

Getting Started with ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms

The best way to learn what’s new in ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms, is to work through the latest tutorial series by Erik Reitan: Getting Started with ASP.NET 4.5 Web ...

pranav rastogi
pranav rastogi
Aug 20, 2012

Releasing Microsoft ASP.NET Universal Providers Core 1.2

I hope everyone has been busy downloading Visual Studio 2012 and have started building awesome web applications. We have been busy too during this time.We have ...

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft
Aug 20, 2012

Profile specific web.config transforms and transform preview

When we released VS2010 we add support for web.config (XDT) transforms during publish/package. Note: From now on I’ll only use the word publish from now on ...

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft
Aug 16, 2012

Links to ASP.NET WebAPI blog posts and Data Access blog posts

Here are some blog posts about ASP.NET WebAPI that we just released. Here are some ASP.NET Data access blog posts intended for newcomers to ASP.NET. The ...