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Update: Knockout IntelliSense Highlight Bug Fix
In an earlier blog post on June 24th entitled Knockout IntelliSense Highlighting Bug Fix I described a bug fix in the Knockout IntelliSense feature. In that post I recommended installing Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2012) – 2.0 to acquire the fix since it did not make it into any of the Visual Studio Updates for 2012. Several customers have asked if there’s a lighter-weight solution to acquiring this fix. This article described the minimal install required to improve Knockout highlighting. What Version of WTE Do I Have? To determine what version of WTE is installed, select “About Microsoft ...

Web Publishing a simpler way to exclude files/folders from being published

I’ve written a few blog posts on how to exclude files from publishing/packaging. In each of these posts you’d have to be familiar with MSBuild and the Web Publish process. I’ve been looking for a much simpler way to exclude files/folder from publishing. When using git you can easily exclude files and folders using a .gitignore file. Inside the .gitignore file on each line you can add a pattern that matches files/folders to be excluded from the repository. For example take a look at the sample .gitignore file below. In the .gitignore file above you can see how easy it is to exclude files and folders from publi...

Portable Compression is now stable

Today we are happy to announce that our portable compression library is now available as a stable NuGet package. Microsoft.Bcl.Compression Microsoft.Bcl.Compression provides the following APIs in a portable fashion: It’s supported on the following platforms: .NET 4.5 and .NET for Windows Store apps already ship compression with the platform itself, so applications for those platforms usually don’t need this package. However, if the application is consuming a library that uses this package then the application also needs to reference this package in order to ensure application a...

Improved Package Restore

As we’ve previously explained we receive various reports on how our NuGet packages don’t play nicely with NuGet’s package restore feature. In this blog post I’ll talk about an update we shipped to our infrastructure package Microsoft.Bcl.Build that reduces the impact. The Issue To recap, some of our packages need to participate in the build in order to work properly. Examples of tasks that require build participation include generating binding redirects or selecting the appropriate native dependency based on the CPU architecture the build is producing. Build participation is implemented by adding an import t...

Accessing the ASP.NET Web Configuration Tool in Visual Studio 2013
As many of you have noticed, the option to select “ASP.Net Web Configuration Manager” is no longer in Visual Studio 2013 Preview. This is due to the removal of the Visual Studio Development Server (or Cassini) from the product. However, we understand that many people have gotten used to using the Tool, and so here are the steps by which you can still run the manager. Note that these instructions only work for sites running on the .NET Framework 4.0 and above. Congratulations, you now have your ASP.net Web Site Adminstration Tool running as before.

Install MVC4 HotTowel SPA NuGetNuGet package in One ASP.NET Web API Project in VS2013 Preview
I was trying to install MVC4 HotTowel SPA package (MVC4 and Razor v2) on a VS2013 Preview One ASP.NET Web API Project (MVC5 and Razor V3). I blindly let the NuGetNuGet package overwrite all my files including the Viewsweb.config file, which caused some compatibility problems. This is what I did: 1. Create a Web API One ASP.NET project 2. Manage NuGet packages, find HotTowel: ASP.NET MVC SPA Template package, click Install. 3. I chose “Yes to All” when prompted for file overwriting. I should have chosen “Yes” and “No” buttons for each file overwriting warning dialog in order to prevent overwriting Viewsweb...

Announcing TraceEvent – Monitoring and Diagnostics for the Cloud

In this post, Vance Morrison, software developer on the .NET Runtime team, will talk about the TraceEvent NuGet library we just shipped. -- Immo I am happy to report that we have just released the TraceEvent library on (prelease) NuGet. This library is an important part of the .NET, end-to-end, cloud scale diagnostics and monitoring story. It allows you to easily control and process any Event Tracing for windows (ETW) logging events, and in particular the logging events generated by the .NET System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource class. Together EventSource and TraceEvent form a complete logging system that is l...

Use SignalR Sample Nuget package in VS2013 Preview MVC 5 Project
We received feedback that the current 1.2 version SignalR sample Nuget package doesn’t work in an MVC 5 project by default. Here are the repro steps and the necessary change to make it work. 1. Create a C# MVC 5 project in VS2013 Preview 2. Install Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Sample NuGet package 3. This installs SignalR package version 1.1.3. In the SignalR.Sample/StockTicker.html file, the script link still links to 1.1.2, so change it to 1.1.3 first. 4. Run the application (I was using windows 8.1 preview with IE11), and get a JavaScript error: 5. What happened here is due to a bug in the 1.1...

Announcing the EventSource NuGet Package – Write to the Windows Event Log

We are announcing the EventSource NuGet package, which enables fast app tracing to the Windows Event Log, including in production. This post was written by Cosmin Radu, a software developer on the .NET Runtime team We know that you want to build high-quality software. That can be a challenging task if your desktop or web app interacts with users in complex ways or reads unstructured input, as examples. An important quality tool is instrumentation, which makes diagnosing functionality and performance problems much easier. Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5, you can use the System.Diagnostics.Tracing.Event...