.NET Blog

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.NET Framework 4.5 Talks from TechEd 2012 and aspConf

The .NET Framework team is out at conferences all the time. We love getting to meet with you all to discuss the latest news about what we’re building and even better learning about what all of you want to build. Deon Herbert, a program manager on the .NET Framework project management team, pulled together the following article for all of...

Plans regarding Website projects and Web Deployment Projects

The release of Visual Studio 2012 is right around the corner. If you’ve been following our blog/twitter then you may know that many of the Web related components of Visual Studio are now“out-of-band”, meaning that we can update them independently of Visual Studio itself. Because of this we are planning to ship updates a few times a year...

What’s new in GC in CLR 4.5 from our team blog

This is now live from CLR's team blog. This paints a more complete picture than what I talked about in my "What's new in 4.5 GC" Channel 9 interview which mostly focused on Server Background GC. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2012/07/20/the-net-framework-4-5-includes-new-garbage-collector-enhancements-for-client-and-server-...

Visual Studio 2012 RC Web Tooling Extensions update

If you have been following our blog and twitter accounts then you most likely have heard that some of the Web components of Visual Studio 2012 are now “Out of Band”. What that means is that we can update those components separately from Visual Studio itself. Because of this we will be posting updates on a regular basis. Today marks the ...

Targeting Multiple Platforms with Portable Code: Overview

As programming with .NET has become prevalent on all Microsoft platforms, targeting multiple platforms at once becomes a critical desire amongst developers. In fact, we see the future of library development moving to supporting an intersection of platforms rather than targeting just one version of the .NET Framework at a time. Mircea Trofin, ...

New .NET Diagnostic info added to Process Explorer

Productivity is the hallmark of programming with managed code. So often productivity boils down to figuring out why something isn’t working – diagnostics. The CLR provides one of the best foundations for diagnostics. In this post, Richard Lander – a program manager for the Common Language Runtime – shows how more than just ...

Visual Studio 2010 Web Publish Updates

Last week we rolled out some updates for our Visual Studio 2010 Web Publishing Experience. This post will give you an overview of the new features which we released. In the coming weeks there will be more posts getting into more details regarding individual features. You can get these updates in the Windows Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2010. ...

ASP.NET providers and SQL Azure

We have two sets of ASP.NET providers which currently exist; the ASP.NET SQL providers, and the ASP.NET Universal Providers. In VS 2010 the SQL providers were in only providers used for our project templates. In VS 2012 we have switched to using the Universal Providers. One of the drawbacks of the SQL providers is that it leverages DB objects ...

Database settings in the VS Publish dialog

In Visual Studio 2010 we introduced a database publishing experience in the Package/Publish SQL (PP/SQL) properties page. This support relies on generating create scripts from the source database and then executing those scripts when you publish your web application. For more details regarding this feature take a look at Package/Publish SQL ...