To read last week’s post, see The week in .NET – 6/21/2016.
We shipped!
We are excited to announce the release of .NET Core 1.0, ASP.NET Core 1.0 and Entity Framework Core 1.0, available on Windows, OS X and Linux! .NET Core is a cross-platform, open source, and modular .NET platform for creating modern web apps, microservices, libraries and console applications.
This release includes the .NET Core runtime, libraries, and tools as well as the ASP.NET Core libraries. We are also releasing Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code extensions that enable you to create .NET Core projects. You can get started at
The Visual Studio team also released Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 today. You need that release to build .NET Core apps in Visual Studio.
Finally, we invite you to check out the new .NET Core documentation web site, the ASP.NET Core documentation web site, and our great new interactive C# tutorial.
Last week, we had Jeremy Kuhne on the show to talk about long path support in .NET.
This week, we’ll have a special show with Scott Hunter to talk about the .NET Core 1.0 release. As usual, we’ll take questions from the audience.
Package of the week: MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc – Fluent testing framework for ASP.NET Core MVC
Even though ASP.NET MVC has been designed to be testable, any help writing tests for routes and controllers is useful. The MyTested.AspNetCore library makes writing such tests easy and fun.
Here’s how you’d test that a route is calling into the right controller action, with the correct model:
And here’s how you’d test a controller action:
Xamarin app of the week: ParentLove
ParentLove is a baby activity tracking application for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. It’s clearly a work of love, and it’s built with Xamarin!
User group meeting of the week: Building Smart Apps with Microsoft Cognitive Services in Boston
On Thursday, June 30 at 6:15PM, the Boston Mobile C# Developers group is hosting a meeting where you’ll learn how to build smarter apps that can analyze images and text, perform speech recognition, linguistic analysis, provide recommendations, and more – all with just a few lines of code.
- Announcing .NET Core 1.0 by Rich Lander.
- Wired: Microsoft Says It’s in Love With Linux. Now It’s Finally Proving It by Klint Finley.
- Ars Technica: .NET Core 1.0 released, now officially supported by Red Hat by Peter Bright.
- Reactive and Interactive Extensions for .NET 3.0 by Oren Novotny.
- NDepend – the king of code metrics by Piotr Gankiewicz.
- Portable- is dead, long live NetStandard by Oren Novotny.
- More on Inking with Wet Ink & Custom Rulers by Mike Taulty.
- Announcing ASP.NET Core 1.0 by Jeffrey T. Fritz.
- Adding a Custom Inline Route Constraint in ASP.NET Core 1.0 by Scott Hanselman.
- Upgrading to ASP.NET Core RTM from RC2 by Rick Strahl.
- Reloading strongly typed Options on file changes in ASP.NET Core RC2 by Andrew Lock.
- Building REST APIs using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core by Christos Sakell.
- Basics of Middleware in ASP NET Core (video) by ProCoder.
- Cross Platform Time Zone Handling for ASP.NET Core by Joe Audette.
- Understanding Parser Combinators: a Deep Dive, by Scott Wlaschin
- Three is a crowd – Actor based, by Frank Joppe
- Patterns and Practices for Real-World, Event-Driven Microservices, by Rachel Reese
- Fsharp.Interop.ComProvider – F# type provider for COM interop
- F# gotchas for C# developers by Daniel Lazarenko.
- F# Implementation of The Elm Architecture by Anthony Lloyd. Check out F# Weekly for more great content from the F# community.
- Adding Facial Recognition to Your Mobile Apps by Pierce Boggan.
- Using ModernHttpClient with Azure Mobile Apps by Adrian Hall.
- Xamarin DevOps with VSTS (series) by Richard Woollcott.
- Xamarin Technology Stack, Merged Dictionaries with Xamarin Forms, App Discovery and Deep Linking Series, and Contributing to Xamarin Forms by Adam Pedley.
And this is it for this week!
Contribute to the week in .NET
As always, this weekly post couldn’t exist without community contributions, and I’d like to thank all those who sent links and tips.
You can participate too. Did you write a great blog post, or just read one? Do you want everyone to know about an amazing new contribution or a useful library? Did you make or play a great game built on .NET? We’d love to hear from you, and feature your contributions on future posts:
- Send an email to beleroy at Microsoft,
- comment on this gist
- Leave us a pointer in the comments section below.
- Send Stacey (@yecats131) tips on Twitter about .NET games.
This week’s post (and future posts) also contains news I first read on The ASP.NET Community Standup, on Weekly Xamarin, on F# weekly, on ASP.NET Weekly, and on Chris Alcock’s The Morning Brew.
Xamarin links by Dan Rigby, and F# links by Phillip Carter.