.NET Blog

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The week in .NET – 2/11/2016

This issue of the Week in .NET is slightly late, and I apologize for that. I was visiting some customers in California for the first half of the week, and they've kept me very busy. I'm writing this post on the plane to Seattle. While I was in LA, I also visited the LADOTNET user group, where I talked about .NET Core, C# 6, and the future of C...

Porting to .NET Core

.NET Core is getting closer and closer to an RTM release. Only two months ago, we announced the RC release of .NET Core and ASP.NET Core. As part of our validation, we're working with internal as well as external customers to port their code to .NET Core. We received many requests from you asking us how you should go about migrating ...

Porting to .NET Core

.NET Core is getting closer and closer to an RTM release. Only two months ago, we announced the RC release of .NET Core and ASP.NET Core. As part of our validation, we're working with internal as well as external customers to port their code to .NET Core. We received many requests from you asking us how you should go about migrating existing ...

Porting to .NET Core

.NET Core is getting closer and closer to an RTM release. Only two months ago, we announced the RC release of .NET Core and ASP.NET Core. As part of our validation, we're working with internal as well as external customers to port their code to .NET Core. We received many requests from you asking us how you should go about migrating existing ...

The week in .NET – 2/2/2016

To read last week's post, see The week in .NET - 1/25/2016. On.NET On .NET can now be enjoyed on Channel 9, in addition to our YouTube channel. A nice consequence of this, beyond the additional audience, is that we're getting a nice audio podcast feed out of it, which should be useful to all of you who prefer to enjoy the show at times when ...