.NET Blog

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Running with Server GC in a Small Container Scenario Part 1 – Hard Limit for the GC Heap

I’ve checked in 2 configs related to specifying a hard limit for the GC heap memory usage so I wanted to describe them and how they are intended to be used. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. In order to talk about the new configs it’s important to understand what consists of the memory usage in a process. When it comes to memory ...

Running with Server GC in a Small Container Scenario Part 0

This week I was able to get some time to work on the container stuff with low memory limits. As many of you have expressed your dissatisfaction on how Server GC behaves with low memory limit specified on containers on github, I have to apologize that I am just doing this now. Really sorry that some of you guys have to suffer through this thus ...

Using .NET and Docker Together

Update: See Using .NET and Docker Together – DockerCon 2018 Update Many developers I talk to are either using Docker actively or planning to adopt containers in their environment. Containers are an important trend in our industry and .NET is part of that. Microsoft and Docker have been working together so that you'll have a great ...