July 23rd, 2019

Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7

Rich Lander [MSFT]
Program Manager

Today, we are announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7. We’ve transitioned from creating new features to polishing the release. Expect a singular focus on quality for the remaining preview releases.

Download .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 right now on Windows, macOS and Linux.

ASP.NET Core and EF Core are also releasing updates today.

Visual Studio users need Visual Studio 2019 16.3 Preview 1 to use .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7.

The Microsoft .NET Site has been updated to .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 (see the version displayed in the website footer). It’s been running successfully on Preview 7 for over two weeks, on Azure WebApps (as a self-contained app). We will likely move the site to Preview 8 builds in a couple of weeks.

ICYMI, check out the improvements we released in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6 and the June Update on WPF, both from last month.

Go Live

NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 is supported by Microsoft and can be used in production. We strongly recommend that you test your app running on Preview 7 before deploying Preview 7 into production. If you find an issue with .NET Core 3.0, please file a GitHub issue and/or contact Microsoft support.

We intend to make very few changes after Preview 7 for most APIs. Notable exceptions are: WPF, Windows Forms, Blazor and Entity Framework. Any breaking changes after Preview 7 will be documented.

We are working to ensure a high degree of compatibility with .NET Core 1.x and 2.x apps, making it straightforward to upgrade existing apps to .NET Core 3.0.

.NET Core SDK Size Improvements

The .NET Core SDK is significantly smaller with .NET Core 3.0. The primary reason is that we changed the way we construct the SDK, by moving to purpose-built “packs” of various kinds (reference assemblies, frameworks, templates). In previous versions (including .NET Core 2.2), we constructed the SDK from NuGet packages, which included many artifacts that were not required and wasted a lot of space.

You can see how we calculated these file sizes in the .NET Core 3.0 SDK Size Improvements gist. Detailed instructions are provided so that you can run the same tests in your own environment.

.NET Core 3.0 SDK Size (size change in brackets)

Operating System Installer Size (change) On-disk Size (change)
Windows 164MB (-440KB; 0%) 441MB (-968MB; -68.7%)
Linux 115MB (-55MB; -32%) 332MB (-1068MB; -76.2%)
macOS 118MB (-51MB; -30%) 337MB (-1063MB; -75.9%)

The size improvements for Linux and macOS are dramatic. The improvement for Windows is smaller because we have added WPF and Windows Forms as part of .NET Core 3.0. It’s amazing that we added WPF and Windows Forms in 3.0 and the installer is still (a little bit) smaller.

You can see the same benefit with .NET Core SDK Docker images (here, limited to x64 Debian and Alpine).

Distro 2.2 Compressed Size 3.0 Compressed Size
Debian 598MB 264MB
Alpine 493MB 148MB


The .NET Core 3.0 release is coming close to completion, and the team is solely focused on stability and reliability now that we’re no longer building new features. Please tell us about any issues you find, ideally as quickly as possible. We want to get as many fixes in as possible before we ship the final 3.0 release.

We recommend that you start planning to adopt .NET Core 3.0. This recommendation is stronger if you are using containers. The 3.0 improvements for containers are critical for anyone using docker resource limits directly or via an orchestrator.

If you install daily builds, please read an important PSA on .NET Core master branches.



Rich Lander [MSFT]
Program Manager

Richard Lander is a Principal Program Manager on the .NET Core team. He works on making .NET Core work great in memory-limited Docker containers, on ARM hardware like the Raspberry Pi, and enabling GPIO programming and IoT scenarios. He is part of the design team that defines new .NET runtime capabilities and features. He enjoys British rock and Doctor Who. He grew up in Canada and New Zealand.


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  • Afshin Z

    Any news on the GPIO and IoT stuff? There are tons of boards out there, what boards are supported?
    One more question: Can we use Gamepad/Controllers with .NET Core 3.0? I know UWP supports Xbox One controller, what about .NET Core 3.0?

  • Ian Qvist

    Windows Forms is part of the installer on Linux and Mac too?

    • Gavin Williams

      No, that’s why they are smaller.

  • Byron Adams

    Is there a documentation of ‘breaking changes’. The api changes do not seem to help.  My app had 0 errors/warnings. Now I get a ton.  I even removed the obj folders, did a restore and rebuild.Here are some:  <NullableContextOptions>enable</NullableContextOptions> in the project file, does it still work. I get CS8627 A nullable type parameter… errorsCS1069 Icon could not be in System.DrawingCS0234 The type or namespace name ‘Forms’ does not exist in the namespace ‘System.Windows’…

    • Byron Adams

      I changed <NullableContextOptions> is now <Nullable>, but no change in compiling and no fix suggestions like before.I was able to solve the problem: CS1069: The type name ‘Icon’ could not be found in the namespace ‘System.Drawing’. This type has been forwarded to assembly ‘System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’ Consider adding a reference to that assembly.After not finding an Add Refenence->Assemblies item. I went to Nuget, but the version is System.Drawing.Common 4.6.0-preview7.19362.9.Now I tried the same with this error: CS0234: The type or namespace name ‘Forms’ does not exist in the namespace ‘System.Windows’ (are you missing an assembly reference?)I thought having <Project Sdk=”Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop”> and <UseWPF>true</UseWPF> would fix this problem like before.  Went to Nuget and could not find System.Windows.Forms.Should would help if there were some documentation on migrating.

    • Phillip CarterMicrosoft employee

      <NullableContextOptions> is now <Nullable>. This is one of the changes we made from preview to preview for the C# 8 preview chain.

    • Raja Venkatesh

      This happened to me too. I had updated VS2019 from 16.1.x to 16.2.0.  That was the issue.
      In VS2019 go to Tools\Options\Environment\Preview Features and select “Use previews of the .NET core SDK (requires restart)” check box.  I had done this in the previous minor version of VS2019 but the new version resets it back.  After checking this option on, the project uses .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 and compiles fine without any changes in the code.  My code targets WPF apps built using VB.NET.

      • Alexey Leonovich

        I had the same issue. Was forced to check “Use previews of the .NET core SDK (requires restart)” checkbox again.

      • Byron Adams

        Just tried again with 16.2 and no go.  At work I have another machine with 16.3, it does not work either.

  • Andrew Osman

    Can you please give any clarity around support for C++ / CLI, even if its only for Windows. Thanks! 

    • Richard LanderMicrosoft employee

      It’s coming (for Windows), as part of .NET Core 3.0. I’ll include content on that in the Preview 8 blog post.

  • Mark Adamson

    It sounds like we won’t be able to build WPF apps on Linux build servers due to the SDK bundle not including the Desktop SDK. Is that correct? The rest sounds great 🙂

    • Richard LanderMicrosoft employee

      Right. We did not enable that scenario and we are not testing it. We expect parts of the desktop SDK depends on Windows APIs for build. We understand why people would want this, but it’s not a 3.0 deliverable and not currently on our roadmap.

      • Mark Adamson

        Understood, I hope you can support it in the future, but I’m really looking forward to using .net core 3 anyway. We have other windows build dependencies at the moment anyway, such as Wix for installers

  • Tony Henrique


  • Behnam Emamian

    It is good to document the changes: 1)Json librarySystem.Text.Json.Serialization => System.Text.Json 2)JsonSerializer.Parse => JsonSerializer.Deserialize 3) JsonSerializer.ToString => JsonSerializer.Serialize

  • Yahor Sinkevich

    Please provide ApiDiff from the 2.2

    • Richard LanderMicrosoft employee

      We’ll do that for Previerw 8.

  • Max Mustemann

    Any details on why .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 requires VS 16.3 Preview? When .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 is “Go Live” and can be used for production, I still would need to use a preview version of Visual Studio that is *not* supported for writing production code.
    However, I tested the .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 SDK with Visual Studio 16.2 Preview 4 and did not notice any problem, so I’m wondering why that 16.3 requirement is.

    • Richard LanderMicrosoft employee

      We expect that almost everything works with VS 16.2 but we don’t test that scenario. .NET Core 3.0 and VS 16.3 will ship together, so that’s the scenario we are focussed on. I’ll clarify that in the Preview 8 blog post.

      New featues like nullable reference types only work correctly in 16.3. We made a lot of changes for Preview 7. There are other features like that.

      We don’t believe that there is any risk in using VS 16.3 Preview from the standpoint of working on production apps. It would be a very special Visual Studio bug that would someone incorrectly change your code, but that would pass through the compiler w/o warnings or errors. Note that the compilers (and other tools like NuGet and MSBuild) in VS 16.3 are the same exact versions as the ones in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7. Independent of either VS or .NET Core being Preview, unit tests on your side would play an important role in building up your confidence for deploying into production.

    • Ramon de Klein

      You can compile .NET Core 3.0 preview 7 applications with the toolchain that is supplied with the SDK, so there is no need for VS preview to actually building the code. Writing code with a preview version is no problem for production. If VS preview fails, you can always fall back to Notepad (or any other text editor). It’s just editing text files…

    • David Hunter

      I was wondering this as well. If there is some corner case issue with using 16.2 Preview would it be possible to make it give and error and refuse to let you build?

  • Ian Marteens

    No Windows Forms Designer yet?

    • Richard LanderMicrosoft employee

      Still working on it. It’s a big project since we’re need to make (half of) the designer out-of-process. We’re not hosting .NET Core within th devenv process. it’s the same project for the WPF/Xaml designer.

      • Ian Marteens

        Thanks, Richard.

    • Alexey Leonovich

      I supposed that WinForms Designer is a Visual Studio functionality (and is the case of it’s updates), isn’t it?

      • Alexandr Golikov

        No, it’s deeply tied on components (controls) implementation.

    • Alexandr Golikov

      Yea stil missing :-(:-(:-(
