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Get Started with F# as a C# developer

Get Started with F# as a C# developer One of our previous posts, Why You Should Use F#, listed a few reasons why F# is worth trying out today. In this post, we'll cover some of the basics you need to know to be successful. This post is intended for people who are coming from a C#, Java, or other object-oriented background. The concepts ...

What we’ve learned from .NET Core SDK Telemetry

Updated (2017/7/27) We are releasing .NET Core SDK usage data that has been collected by the .NET Core CLI. We have been using this data to determine the most common CLI scenarios, the distribution of operating systems and to answer other questions we've had, as described below. As an open source application platform that collects usage data...

Profile-guided optimization in .NET Core 2.0

This post was co-written by Daniel Podder and Bertrand Le Roy. .NET Core 2.0 introduces many new optimizations that will make your code even faster. A lot of work has been done in the base class library to improve performance, but in this post, we'd like to talk about a specific category of optimization: profile-guided optimization (or PGO...

The week in .NET – Command Line Parser Library, .NET South East

Previous posts: Package of the week: Command Line Parser Library Command-line applications typically accept arguments and options, and expose a page describing them. Parsing those arguments and options is a repetitive task that .NET provides little help for out of the box, beyond the argument to . Giacomo Stelluti Scala's Command Line ...

.NET Framework July 2017 Security and Quality Rollup

Today, we are releasing a new Security and Quality Rollup and Security Only Update for the .NET Framework. Today's update applies to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. Security Microsoft Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVE-2017-8585 A denial of service vulnerability exists when Microsoft Common Object Runtime Library improperly handles ...

The week in .NET – Links!

This week's post will exceptionally be made of links only, as I'm on vacation...Previous posts:.NETASP.NETC#F#There is more content available this week in F# Weekly. If you want to see more F# awesomeness, please check it out!XamarinAzureUWPDataAnd this is it for this week!Contribute to the week in .NETAs always, this weekly post couldn't ...

The week in .NET – Links!

This week's post will exceptionally be made of links only, as I'm on vacation...Previous posts:.NETASP.NETC#F#There is more content available this week in F# Weekly. If you want to see more F# awesomeness, please check it out!XamarinAzureUWPDataAnd this is it for this week!Contribute to the week in .NETAs always, this weekly post couldn't ...

Performance Improvements in RyuJIT in .NET Core and .NET Framework

RyuJIT is the just-in-time compiler used by .NET Core on x64 and now x86 and by the .NET Framework on x64 to compile MSIL bytecode to native machine code when a managed assembly executes. I'd like to point out some of the past year's improvements that have gone into RyuJIT, and how they make the generated code faster. What follows is by no...