.NET Blog

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Announcing Continuous Delivery Tools for Visual Studio 2017

Posting on behalf of Ahmed Metwally Visual Studio Team Services enables developers to create build and release definitions for continuous build integration and deployment of their projects. With a continuous integration and deployment configured, unit tests automatically, assuming the build succeeds and the tests pass, the changes are ...

ASP.NET Documentation Now on docs.microsoft.com

This post was written by Wade Pickett We are happy to announce ASP.NET documentation and guidance has been migrated to docs.microsoft.com! Better Together and Great Features This brings the ASP.NET documentation together with ASP.NET Core, C#, Entity Framework Core, Azure, Visual Studio, C++, and SQL on Linux. docs.microsoft.com will allow...

.GAME’s Item System – Part 1 Challenge Explained

Last week's episode of .GAME started preparations for an item system that we'll be using for equipment and merchant mechanics. The episode covered some Unity fundamentals, such as methods of object rotation, tags, layers, sorting layers and filtering. We wrapped up with a development challenge, the scenario of which was: When the player moves...

The .NET Language Strategy

The .NET Language Strategy I am constantly aware of the enormous impact our language investments have on so many people's daily lives. Our languages are a huge strength of the .NET platform, and a primary factor in people choosing to bet on it - and stay on it. I've been here on the .NET languages team at Microsoft for more than a decade, and...