.NET Blog

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Updating Visual Studio 2017 RC – .NET Core Tooling improvements

This post was co-authored by Joe Morris, a Senior Program Manager on the .NET Team and David Carmona, a Principal Program Manager Lead on the .NET Team. Today, an update to Visual Studio 2017 RC was announced. As part of this update, we have made several enhancements and bug fixes to the .NET Core tools that are part of Visual Studio 2017. ...

Introducing the ASP.Net Async OutputCache Module

OutputCacheModule is ASP.NET’s default handler for storing the generated output of pages, controls, and HTTP responses.  This content can then be reused when appropriate to improve performance. Prior to the .NET Framework 4.6.2, the OutputCache Module did not support async read/write to the storage. Starting with the .NET Framework 4.6.2 ...