.NET Blog

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Where can you meet the team? November 2014 at AngleBrackets and TechEd

We on the Web Tools team love hanging out with the community. We thought it would be cool to start sharing exactly where we will be and what conferences or user groups you can join us at!The .NET Developer Blog has a great always updated list of .NET User Groups, so be sure to bookmark that also!We’ve got two big events coming up soon, ...

Announcing October 2014 Updates to .NET Framework vNext, ASP.NET vNext and .NET Native in Visual Studio “14” CTP4

Updated (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. Today, we are announcing updates to the .NET Framework vNext, ASP.NET vNext and .NET Native. These are all available in Visual Studio “14” CTP4. This .NET Framework release contains RyuJIT, the next generation X64 JIT. ASP.NET vNext contains major improvements in ...

ASP.NET vNext in Visual Studio “14” CTP 4

Today we released updates for ASP.NET vNext in Visual Studio “14” CTP 4. This release includes the ASP.NET vNext runtime and tooling improvements as outlined below. ASP.NET vNext Runtime This CTP includes our alpha4 runtime packages for ASP.NET vNext. You can find details on the specific enhancements added and issues fixed in the...

The Ajax Control Toolkit are now maintained by DevExpress

The open sourced Ajax Control Toolkit now has a new owner: DevExpress.  This project was created on codeplex in 2007 and our team has been sponsoring its development ever since.  It has been downloaded millions of times and played an important role in the field.  The ASP.NET team knows that many people use the ASP.NET Ajax ...

.NET Micro Framework now supports Visual Studio 2013

Today the .NET Micro Framework team is releasing a beta update of the .NET Micro Framework SDK that adds support for Visual Studio 2013. The release also contains other improvements that will benefit developers and hardware partners, making the install and update experience better. Check out the .NET Micro Framework Team blog, and the Netmf....

.NET Micro Framework now supports Visual Studio 2013

Today the .NET Micro Framework team is releasing a beta update of the .NET Micro Framework SDK that adds support for Visual Studio 2013. The release also contains other improvements that will benefit developers and hardware partners, making the install and update experience better. Check out the .NET Micro Framework Team blog, and the Netmf....

.NET Sample Code on GitHub

Today, we're happy to announce that we've started to move some of our sample assets over to GitHub, using the MIT license. So I can directly answer Ben's question: @ben_a_adams The sample code is now on GitHub. Check out this blog post: https://t.co/LXq2Ka1fLo — Immo Landwerth (@terrajobst) September 16, 2014 Why did we move to GitHub? The...

Announcing the 0.6.0-beta preview of Microsoft Azure WebJobs SDK

We are releasing another preview of the Microsoft Azure WebJobs SDK, which was introduced by Scott Hanselman. To read more about the previous preview, read this announcement post. This release has the same general feature set as 0.5.0-beta as well as a few new exciting ones. Download this release You can download the WebJobs SDK from the ...

Announcing the Release of Web API OData 5.3

The NuGet packages for ASP.NET Web API OData 5.3 are now live on the NuGet gallery!Download this releaseYou can install or update the NuGet packages for ASP.NET Web API OData 5.3 using the NuGet Package Manager Console, like this: What’s in this release?This release primarily includes great new features for Web API OData v4 as ...