.NET Blog

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Immutable collections ready for prime time

Today I’m very happy to announce that we released the stable version of the Microsoft.Bcl.Immutable NuGet package. We also published the MSDN documentation on immutable collections. Thank you! Nine months ago, we shipped the first preview of immutable collections. This was one of the first BCL features that we decided to ship early and ...

Attribute Routing changes for ASP.NET Web Stack shipped in VS2013 RC

For the VS2013 Preview release, we published two articles about Attribute Routing for Web API 2: · http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/web-api-routing-and-actions/attribute-routing-in-web-api-2 · http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/web-api-routing-and-actions/create-a-rest-api-with-attribute-routing The VS2013 RC release includes ...

Web Publish how to automate multi-project publish with file system

The other day I received an email from a customer with a question which I’ve summarized as below. I have a solution containing multiple web projects. One of the projects, _RootSite, is the top level website which I want to publish. It’s an MVC project. I also have other web projects in the same solution. These other projects are apps ...

Organizational Accounts in Visual Studio 2013 RC

Visual Studio 2013 Preview shipped with support to create new ASP.NET projects that can be easily configured with organizational accounts. This support has been simplified and enhanced in this RC version. You can find a detailed step-by-step tutorial on creating an ASP.NET MVC project with single organizational identity at Developing ASP.NET ...

Scaffolding asynchronous MVC and Web API controllers for Entity Framework 6

Brief Entity Framework 6 introduces support for the .NET 4.5 asynchronous programming pattern using the async and await keywords. And in Visual Studio 2013 RC we’re making it easier for you to take advantage of this new capability by optionally generating asynchronous code when you scaffold MVC and Web API controllers. Why First ...

Immutable collections are now RC

Over the past several months, we’ve been working on a new set of collection types that offer an immutable design. Today we are happy to announce that we are one step closer to a stable version of this work: we’ve just shipped the release candidate (1.0.23 RC) of the Microsoft.Bcl.Immutable NuGet package. (image) Because we could...

Visual Studio 2013 Custom Web Servers and OwinHost.exe

When running Web applications from within Visual Studio, there have generally been two primary hosts available while developing: a local “development” Web server, or a full version of Internet Information Services (IIS). There has also been a “custom server” option, where a path to a server executable could be entered; however, this ...

Creating New Windows Azure Web Site from Visual Studio 2013 RC

We are now making it easier to create a new Windows Azure Web Site from Visual Studio 2013 RC. This feature can be accessed from the Web Sites sub node under the Windows Azure node in Server Explorer. You would need to install Azure SDK 2.1 before you can use this feature. You can follow these steps to create a new Windows Azure Web Site. 1. ...

What is new in Browser Link with Visual Studio 2013 RC?

Over the last few months, the Browser Link team has worked on delivering these new features in the Visual Studio 2013 RC release: For those who are not familiar with Browser Link, please look at our introductory blog here. Browser Link Dashboard The Browser Link Dashboard is a tool window in VS that shows all active browser link ...