.NET Blog

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Wondering why mscorsvw.exe has high CPU usage? You can speed it up.

This post was written by Rich Lander, a Program Manager on the .NET Framework Team. It was written for people who want to understand why mscorsvw.exe is running on their machines and want to know how to speed it up. Have you noticed that your machine is slowing down, and you’ve looked in Task Manager to find that mscorsvw.exe is the ...

Got a need for speed? .NET apps start faster.

This post was written by Rich Lander, who works as a Program Manager on the .NET Framework. He worked on AutoNGEN for Windows 8. This post focuses on how technologies such as Native Image Generator (NGEN), the .NET Framework Optimization Service (mscorsvw), AutoNGEN, and compilation in the cloud have improved the startup performance of .NET ...

Make jQuery UI and Bootstrap 2 work together in MVC template

In the VS2013 preview MVC5 template, we included Bootstrap and jQuery UI together in the same project. However, some themes of jQuery UI (1.8.24 in the project template) is conflicting with Bootstrap (version 2.3.1 in the project template), especially for button. We have seen at least one such question in our forum. Let’s create a test ...