January 11th, 2007

January DevDiv TFS Dogfood Statistics

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

I skipped the December dogfood update because the activity numbers were so skewed at the end of the month by people’s vacations.  There’s nothing that particularly stands out about the dogfood server over the last month.  It continues to grow.  Availability has been good.  Performance continues to improve.  Perhaps the most interesting thing is that at one point in December we exceeded 1,000 active users for the first time. I’ve been preparing a presentation this week to update Soma and Craig on what we are doing in TFS and as part of that we pulled together some updated data on overall Microsoft TFS adoption that I thought I’d share.

  • We currently have 10 production TFS servers with 5 more in the process of getting installed
  • We have 403 projects, 177 teams and 8,020 users
  • Adoption is growing at a rate of about 500 users per month

We’ve still got a long way to go before we have all of Microsoft is using TFS but we’re making good progress and I’m quite happy about it.   Right now we are preparing to install (for the first time) and Orcas build on our DevDiv production server.  The goal is to do it in February.  I’ll let you know how that goes in a month or so.  Also, I’ve talked to you in the past about some of the great version control performance improvements we’ve made in Orcas.  We’ve just wrapped up work on our Orcas work item tracking performance improvements so in the next few days I’ll post some info about those results.   Here’s the trends and stats for the month…


  • Recent users: 980 (up 36)
  • Users with assigned work items: 2,576 (up 118)
  • Version control users: 1,875 (up 116)

Work Items

  • Work Items: 158,659 (up 15,966)
  • Areas & Iterations: 7,074 (up 137)
  • Work item versions: 1,282,913 (up 115,667)
  • Attached files: 53,521 (up 7,053)
  • Queries: 13,548 (up 871)

Version control

  • Files/Folders: 74,101,113/15,413,627 (up 6,435,965/1,556,063)
  • LocalCopies: 323,573,131 (up 44,301,818)
  • Total compressed file size: 427.803G (up 64.6G)
  • Workspaces: 3,721 (up 459)
  • Shelvesets: 6,976 (up 973)
  • Checkins: 153,353 (up 11,614)
  • Pending changes: 916,441 (down 77,474)

Commands (last 7 days)

  • Work Item queries: 149,938 (down 1,694)
  • Work Item updates: 24,045 (up 2,944)
  • Work Item opens: 71,985 (down 55,240)
  • Gets: 60,629 (down 33,092)
  • Downloads: 21,175,666 (up 5,453,884)
  • Checkins: 2,618 (up 16)
  • Uploads: 142,918 (up 11,941)
  • Shelves: 929 (up 90)



Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.


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