Brian Harry's Blog

Everything you want to know about Azure DevOps and Farming


I got a request from a friend to mention a new conference that’s coming up this fall in August in Wisconsin.  It looks like a good opportunity to stay up to date on the latest technologies and rub elbows with your peers.  Check it out if you are interested. Brian...

Team Explorer Everywhere in the Eclipse Marketplace

Several weeks ago, I announced that we’d be removing the price on the Team Foundation Server Eclipse plug-in.  One of the benefits of this change (aside from begin cheaper (image) ) is that it’s easier to keep your plug-in up to date because we can use the standard Eclipse update mechanisms. Team Explorer Everywhere is now on ...

Some insight into our 4/26 deployment

This is a post I wrote about a week ago and somehow left it in my drafts folder.  Though it’s “old” now, I think there’s still some good stuff here…  The good news is the deployment we did today seems to have gone off without a hitch (knock on wood)! We did a deployment on 4/26 and you ...

Team Foundation Service Updates – 5/15

**UPDATED 5/15 @9:21EDT** Drag and drop of tiles has been enabled now for a few hours and I just updated the "Improved logout section" with a screenshot. It’s that time again.  Our next sprint is complete and today we’ve updated hosting service with new bits.  In general, the list of new capabilities is still modest. ...

Update on building Win phone projects on the build service

It doesn't work right now because the Phone tools SDK isn't installed on our build agent images.  We've been talking with the phone tools team about this.  The blocker that we have is that the Phone tools SDK can't be installed on a server edition of the OS (it's blocked).  Add to that the fact that you can only run server OS ...

Update on the VS 11 UI

There was quite a lot of feedback after we released the Beta about the new UI style in VS 11.  We've been processing that feedback and working to improve the look and feel.  We've just released a new blog post on changes to the VS UI in our upcoming Release Candidate. Check it out and please share any feedback you have.Brian...

Codeplex UI Refresh

Today we launched our new Codeplex look and feel that I previewed a few weeks ago.  As I said then, we’ve redoubled our effort on Codeplex and you should expect to see it evolve fairly rapidly.  First Git support, now a new look.  What’s next?  Stay tuned and you’ll see. Check out Mark’s blog post to...

TFSPreview update

Last week we rolled out an update to TFSPreview.  The majority of it was underlying plumbing changes to improve operations, diagnostics, cost, etc.  As we roll off our TFS 11 work, we’ll see more and more of our effort show up as new service capabilities.  That will mean more improvements, faster. The two biggest things we ...

Preemptive Analytics in Visual Studio and TFS 11

Over the past couple of years there’s been a growing connection between development and operations.  The “old” world where development teams throw applications over the wall at ops is disappearing the same way the world where developers threw applications over the wall at test did.  Whether you’re talking about continuous ...

TFS 11 Power Tools Beta Available

About a week ago, we shipped a Beta the first version of the Team Foundation Server Power Tools that work with VS 11 and are optimized to work with TFS 11.  This will be a bit shorter than a full announcement post because it’s a Beta and it’s not complete yet.  I’ll do a comprehensive post when we get ...