Brian Harry's Blog

Everything you want to know about Azure DevOps and Farming

A new look for Annotate

We've been refining annotate for inclusion in Orcas (BTW, I'll be blogging about all the cool TFS features coming in Orcas soon).  We've been hooking up lots of nice features, like integrating it with history, diff, more editor features, implementing accessibility, keyboard and more right click menu support and more.  We've also...

Visual Studio SP1 Feedback

I am looking to solicit feedback on what people think about SP1 so far.  I realize it's only been a week or so but I've been searching the web looking for feedback.  I've seen a bit... What else?  We fixed a lot of bugs in SP1.  Is anyone noticing bugs that got fixed (or bugs that are really bothering them that didn'...

Last word on TFS Expirations (I hope)

This blog post has been replaced by a newer one that covers both TFS 2005 and TFS 2008: People seem to still be having issues with trials.  Some are because they forget to purchase a licensed copy before the trial expires and some have ...

Promised SP1 docs

We've been working on putting together docs on 4 SP1 features.  The documentation team will be ultimately releasing it through MSDN online docs updates but until then, it will be released through blogs. Enjoy! Brian...

Some days…

Some days, I am very proud to work at this company - and today is one of them.  I have to admit there are some days that I am both embarrassed and apologetic for things I've seen us do but I can tell you they are the rare days.  You've heard me say several times that we take customer feedback very seriously and we listen.  Today...

Bug fixes in TFS SP1

Well, I'm going to try to beat a new path here.  We're trying to be more transparent about what we are doing, when we are doing it and why we are doing it.  The downside of that can be that we go to far and get beaten over the head with the information we provide :) Historically, we (DevDiv) haven't released detailed information ...

Ramblings on VS SP1

Since the announcement of our SP1 release yesterday, there's been a variety of community feedback.  Some in the press, some on blogs and some in email.  I got one of those emails this morning and decided to write a few of my thoughts to share my perspective on the issues raised. It was then suggested I make a blog post out of it, so ...

TFS SP1 Beta is available!!!

I am thrilled to announce that the much anticipated TFS SP1 Beta is available.  You can get access to down load it by visiting the Microsoft Connect Site.  Remember, it is a Beta so some caution is advised. It's been a long road but there's some great stuff in it.  Back in June, I included a high level summary of what is in it ...

September TFS DevDiv Dogfood Statistics

Dogfood activity continues to be brisk but growth has slowed some in the last month.  I think the ramp from the onboarding of so many Orcas feature crews is behind us and the growth will be slower until we bring on more PUs. Overall performance and availability have been good but we continue to struggle with some issues.  I wanted to...

Away for a week

Sorry you haven't heard from me for a while.  It's been busy.  I just got back from Redmond (spent all last week there).  I was wrapping up a "special project".  Given my background both in CLR and in databases, I was asked to spend a few weeks looking at Linq, Linq to SQL and Linq to Entities and give some feedback.  ...