We’ve been working on putting together docs on 4 SP1 features. The documentation team will be ultimately releasing it through MSDN online docs updates but until then, it will be released through blogs.
- Work Item Custom Controls – Includes docs on the APIs and a sample. Some additional docs are here.
- Extranet configuration – http://blogs.msdn.com/vstsue/pages/Walkthrough_3A00_-Setting-up-Team-Foundation-Server-with-Secure-Sockets-Layer-_2800_SSL_2900_-and-an-ISAPI-Filter.aspx and http://blogs.msdn.com/vstsue/pages/Walkthrough_3A00_-Setting-up-Team-Foundation-Server-to-Require-HTTPS-and-Secure-Sockets-Layer-_2800_SSL_2900_.aspx. I have to admit that I haven’t quite figured out yet why there are 2 of these but I wanted to get the info out as quickly as I could.
- Separating SQL/AS from the TFS server – Step by step instructions – but please note, these are not for the faint of heart. Unless you really need to do this, don’t right now. We’ll make it easier in a future release – but at least now, it’s possible.
- Detailed Merge history – Includes a basic explanation of the mechanics of the new API.