Visual Basic Blog

A group blog from members of the VB team

Launch events in Portugal & England!

All -- I'm very excited to be speaking at launch events in Lisbon, Portugal and Birmingham, England within the next week. After a 17 hour journey, with much jet-lagged-sleepiness in my eyes, I'll be speaking tomorrow morning at 9:30am in room A3 of the Centro de Congressos de Lisboa. DEV10 - Expert VB.NET 2008: Past, Present, and FutureDo you ...

Orcas introduces the IF operator – a new and improved IIF (Sophia Salim)

One of my all time favorite features in C# and CPP has been the conditional operator (?:). The brevity and elegance introduced by this operator in the code is unparalleled. We had IIF in all the previous versions of, which was not an operator in the true sense (It was a call to a function). But now with Visual Studio 2008, we have ...

Silverlight Ux Musings: Silverlight 2 Control Skins [Corrina Barber]

Silverlight 2 beta one is now available with lots of great new functionality!! You can go to to find important downloads, specific details about new functionality, and very cool sample applications. So, what I want to talk about today is the controls that Silverlight 2 now provides. There are a bunch of new controls ...

Language Futures Page on Code Gallery (Beth Massi)

Go take an early peak at what the VB and C# teams are cooking up for the next version by visiting the Language Futures page on Code Gallery. Code Gallery is not just about samples. It also allows us to host threaded discussions and the teams want your feedback on some features they are considering for the next version of Visual Studio. Charlie...

InteropForms ToolKit – Visual Studio 2008 edition (Todd Apley)

I apologize right away that it's been a while since I've blogged about the interop forms toolkit although I've been doing my best to keep up with issues and questions on the interop forums.   It seems from the mail I've received that a lot of people are having good success at extending their legacy vb6 apps ...

Keeping Track of Books Using VB (Matt Gertz)

I have a confession to make.  I’m not a database guy.  I’ve done a lot of varied coding over my career, but somehow I’ve never been directly involved in the guts of database coding.  Whenever my code needed some sort of data-caching mechanism, I’ve tended to “roll my own,” as the saying goes.&...

VB XML Cookbook, Recipe 1: XML Transformations using XML Literals (Doug Rothaus)

I was working on a blog entry about replacing XSLT transforms with Visual Basic XML Literals. As the entry progressed, I noticed that it was really, really long. So, Avner Aharoni and I talked things over and we decided to break it up into multiple entries and start a series, much like the LINQ Cookbook that was started a few months back. ...

New Community Article – Windows Workflow 101 (Beth Massi)

Yesterday on the Visual Basic Developer Center we released a new article by VB MVP, Maurice DeBeijer on getting started with Windows Workflow called Windows Workflow 101. This is the first in a series of Workflow articles by Maurice. If you're struggling with how to use this technology in your applications this is a great place to start. The ...

New Data Repeater Control in Latest Power Packs Release! (Beth Massi)

Check it out, the team just released a new version of the Visual Basic Power Packs which now includes a Data Repeater control. Power Packs are free Add-Ins, Controls, Components, and Tools for you to use that make developing .NET applications even easier.  From the Power Packs Team: Today we are announcing the ...