Showing results for August 2009 - Visual Basic Blog

Aug 5, 2009

It’s a Small World, After All, part 2 – VB, C#, and GPS (Matt Gertz)

Anthony D. Green [MSFT]
Anthony D. Green [MSFT]

In my previous post, we fixed up a C# GPS library to provide more support, and wrote all of the UI for a VB GPS application, all based on (but modified from) a Mobile GPS sample in the Windows Mobile 6.0 SDK.  In this post, we’ll finish up the app by enabling a bunch of cool functionality not exposed in the original sample.The C# sample ...

Aug 4, 2009

It’s a Small World, After All, part 1 – VB, C#, and GPS (Matt Gertz)

Anthony D. Green [MSFT]
Anthony D. Green [MSFT]

The title of this blog post has sort of a triple meaning for me.  First of all, I just got back from a long (and wonderful!) cruise in the Caribbean, followed by a stop at Disney World.  And of course, if you go to Disney World with kids, it’s the law that you have to go through the “It’s a Small World” ride, there...