Showing results for May 2011 - Visual Basic Blog

May 25, 2011

VB Support for the XNA platform


  With the release of the Mango Toolset, Visual Basic support for XNA and Windows Phone has now been added. VB resources include VB XNA documentation and VB WP7 code samples and starter kits and this post is intended to walk you through some of the steps in creating a simple XNA application for Windows Phone 7 using VB.   What is XNA...

May 20, 2011

Happy 20th Birthday Visual Basic!

Anthony D. Green [MSFT]
Anthony D. Green [MSFT]

Twenty years ago, May 20th, 1991 at Windows World, in Atlanta, Microsoft founder Bill Gates demoed Visual Basic 1.0. Twenty years later, the 10th version of this latest in an unbroken line of Microsoft BASIC languages stretching back to Microsoft’s founding is still going strong. When you look back over the history of a tool that’s been...

May 10, 2011

Simultaneous Async Tasks (Alan Berman)


The new Async feature in the Visual Studio Async CTP (SP1 Refresh) provides an elegantly simple technique to make code asynchronous.Our writing team uses an internal app that would benefit from asynchronous calls.  For each URL contained in the MSDN documentation that we publish, the app lists the title from the link, and the title parsed from...