March 11th, 2008

Silverlight Ux Musings: Silverlight 2 Control Skins [Corrina Barber]

Silverlight 2 beta one is now available with lots of great new functionality!! You can go to to find important downloads, specific details about new functionality, and very cool sample applications. So, what I want to talk about today is the controls that Silverlight 2 now provides. There are a bunch of new controls available and these include…

§  Button

§  Toggle Button

§  Radio Button

§  Checkbox

§  Texbox

§  Tooltip

§  Hyperlink

§  Slider

§  ScrollViewer

§  Calendar

§  Datepicker

§  DataGrid

§  ListBox

§  etc…

The cool thing about these controls is that they are stylable or skinnable, and a designer friend of mine and I have created three sets of skins for the controls listed above that you can now leverage. Check out my new blog to view the samples live or to download the samples, so you can use them in your application (I’ve also provided details about how to incorporate the control skins into a project and any skin specific code, there is a little tiny bit for one set of skins, that is needed is available in both VB and C#, so everyone can use the skins with their favorite language :))
