All —
I’m very excited to be speaking at launch events in Lisbon, Portugal and Birmingham, England within the next week. After a 17 hour journey, with much jet-lagged-sleepiness in my eyes, I’ll be speaking tomorrow morning at 9:30am in room A3 of the Centro de Congressos de Lisboa.
DEV10 – Expert VB.NET 2008: Past, Present, and Future
Do you remember your first Basic program? Visual Basic has come a long way from a simple event handling language to a fully capable Object-Oriented language with the power of the .NET Framework behind it. Visual Basic 9 brings unparalleled productivity for line of business applications in the form of SQL-style query expressions and XML as a first class data type. In this fun, demo-filled session, you’ll learn how to be a VB guru by leveraging secrets only the product team can divulge! This session will go from demonstrating how to make the most of the 2008 product from advanced query expressions, add-ins for Refactoring and programming XML, and recent off-cycle releases that allow you to effectively migrate your VB6 applications. There will also be a sneak peak of the future including an explanation of how the Dynamic Language Runtime (aka the “DLR”) will improve performance and interoperability to create a more interactive coding experience that will ultimately reduce lines of code.
This will be a fun one because it’ll be such a whirlwind covering a ton of material. I’ll see how much I can pack into 90mins. Hopefully, people know I don’t speak Portuguese.
Then, next Wednesday in Birmingham, I’ll be at the ICC doing a deep dive on each of the language features we’ve introduced in Visual Basic 2008. This will be really fun because I haven’t had a chance to go into this level of detail in front of a live audience before (only in webcasts.)
Visual Studio 2008 IDE, VB: 10.45 – 11.45
In this session you will get an overview of the new Visual Studio 2008 IDE and also of every new language feature. All of these are usable from projects targeting the .NET 2.0 (and v3.0) Framework because of the multi-targeting feature, so come and learn what Visual Studio 2008 can do for your existing projects today.
In Birmingham, I’ll also have a chalk talk on migration tips & tricks from VB6 to .NET.
Visual Basic 6 migration – what are the options?
Many ISVs have legacy code that goes back to the days of Visual Basic 6. In this interactive discussion we’ll look at the options available around migration, incremental upgrade, interoperability, and discuss the trade-offs for each.
Really looking forward to it! I’ll post all slides, decks, & demos after the sessions…
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