November 6th, 2007

The Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Windows PowerShell 2.0

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team


The Windows PowerShell Team is pleased to release the first Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Windows PowerShell 2.0!

This release provides a “sneak peak” into the future, including key features that empower Windows administrators to: Run commands on a remote computer, or better, against N other computers.  Use the new PSJob cmdlets to start remote jobs and retrieve the results, either individually or in-aggregate!  Write real cmdlets in PowerShell script itself!  Internationalize your scripts and their output, not to mention debugging those same scripts!

This CTP release helps developers to more easily layer their runtime or GUI on top of PowerShell, leveraging its cmdlets and remoting infrastructure.  It includes APIs to create and use a pool of Runspaces (engines) to run cmdlets.  This release also presents very early looks at Restricted Runspaces (the ability to declare a script, cmdlet or variable public or private) and the Graphical PowerShell (a script editor and a Unicode-enabled console).  These are just a few of the new features I think are interesting in Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP.  Additionally this CTP includes some simple updates… like new parameters to select-string (Context, AllMatches, NotMatch and Encoding) and new operators like –split and -join!

Last but certainly not least, V2 builds upon Windows PowerShell 1.0 by providing backward compatibility – your 1.0 cmdlets and scripts will run on this CTP (with the exceptions noted in the Release Notes – mostly new keywords/cmdlets).  If a working 1.0 script doesn’t run on V2 and is not in the known list of exceptions, please tell us about it!

We hope you like where we’re headed with this release.  Help us get it right!  Tell us what is good and what is bad.  We have explicitly chosen to provide a public preview as early as possible to give us the best chance to incorporate feedback.

A CTP, by its very nature, is early code and thus WILL CHANGE by the final release.  It is explicitly not tested to the quality of a Beta in order to release it in a time frame that will give us a chance to act on feedback.  Even with those caveats, I hope you are pleased with results!  Try it out!

Download Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP

Kenneth Hansen [MSFT]

Principal Lead Program Manager

Windows PowerShell


Release Highlights

This is a summary list of features added for the CTP of Windows PowerShell 2.0.  More descriptions are found in the “What’s New in Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP” link below, in the Release Notes and in the “about” files that ship with the release.

Ø  Compatibility with PowerShell 1.0

Ø  PowerShell Remoting

Ø  Background Jobs

Ø  ScriptCmdlets

Ø  Data-only Language

Ø  Script Internationalization

Ø  Script Debugging

Ø  New APIs for extracting Metadata from Commands and Parameters

Ø  New Parser Tokenizer API

Ø  New PowerShell Hosting APIs

Ø  Pools of Runspace

Ø  Restricted Runspaces

Ø  Graphical PowerShell

Ø  Out-GridView cmdlet

Additionally a number of improvements have been made to existing Cmdlets and capabilities, including:

Ø  Changes to TabExpansion function

Ø  New parameters added to Select-String

Ø  Updated Type Adapters

Ø  Improvements to Get-Member

Ø  Improved ADSI support

Ø  New parameters added to Get-WMIObject

Ø  Improved Bitwise Operators (int64)

For details checkout this blog: What’s New in Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP


Submitting Feedback

As stated, the intent of this CTP is to get your feedback.  Please submit your feedback using the Connect Website (adding a CTP: to the title), posting on the Windows PowerShell Discussion Group, or commenting on the Windows PowerShell Blog.


This software is a pre-release version.  It will not work the way a final version of the software does.  Features will change before final release.  See the blogs below and the Release Notes for further information on restrictions.

CTP != Beta !

Platform Requirements


CTP: Watch this Space




PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.


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