Showing results for CTP3 - PowerShell Team

Dec 21, 2011

Another Holiday Gift from the PowerShell Team: PowerShell 3.0 CTP2 – Getting Started with Windows PowerShell Workflow

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

After delivering the Thanksgiving Gift this year, it’s time for a Holiday Gift …. No not as big as the one we had about 3 years ago …!! Today, we published the “Getting Started with Windows PowerShell Workflow” document on the CTP2 download page, just look for “WMF3 CTP2 Windows PowerShell Workflow.pdf”. ...

May 26, 2009

Update-TypeData, ISE CTP3 vs ISE RC, and Teched2009 Demos

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

There were quite a few name changes in the ISE Object Model from CTP3 to RC Using Update-TypeData, we can achieve some parity between the two We can add aliases to the CTP3 version to make it look like the RC Version  For example,         <Name>System.Management.Automation.Host.PSGHost</Name> ...

May 20, 2009

V2 Quick Tips: Finding Extra Outputs From Your Script

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

One of the nifty features of functions in PowerShell is that they can return as many results from as many places as you’d like.  In fact, any method or cmdlet that would give you an output if you try it on the command line will also return values from a function.  While this can give you a lot of powerful capabilities (like easily buildin...

Apr 22, 2009

V2 Quick Tip: Starting a new elevated process from a PowerShell script

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

One of the systems administration hurdles of the post-Vista world is figuring out how to make a script run as an administrator. In PowerShell V2, using the Start-Process cmdlet, this is a one liner that will get the job done: Hope this Helps, James Brundage [MSFT]

Apr 21, 2009

Do PowerShell Demos in the ISE

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Jeffry Snover and many other have used Start-Demo in powershell.exe Continuing the tradition, we now have ISEDemo.psm1 To use it, start ISE and runImport-Module ISEDemo.psm1 #(attached)Start-Demo c:\path\to\demofile.txt Demo files look like ...

CTP3PowerShell ISE
Apr 21, 2009

V2 Quick Tip: Monitoring Performance Counters with PowerShell

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I just got a ping on our internal discussion list about how to get at the Performance counters in PowerShell.  In V2, we've got some nifty cmdlets to help read performance counters. Here are a few of quick one liners to get you started: Hope this Helps, James Brundage [MSFT]

Apr 17, 2009

Differences between the ISE and PowerShell console

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Here is a collection of differences between the PowerShell_ise.exe and PowerShell.exe, as well as workaroundsand suggestion if you need them (assuming we have them :)) There could be others, but parity with PowerShell is a big thing for the ISE. Cheers,Ibrahim Abdul Rahim[MSFT]

PowerShellCTP3PowerShell V2
Mar 30, 2009

Image Manipulation in PowerShell

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

The other week, I showed a Get-ProgID function that I used to help someone at Microsoft Research find a good object to talk to images.  A few comments jumped to one of the possible solutions, which is to use the .NET Drawing assembly (which I have to load first).  I wanted to be reasonably sure that the way to get at the image metadata wa...

CTP3Advanced Functions
Mar 27, 2009

Get closure with GetNewClosure

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Have you ever created scriptblocks on the fly, say in a foreach loop, and they totally mess up because they all have the same value? This is something sort of advanced, and typically used when you’re proxying an object. The most basic example would be, taken from (

CTP3Advanced FunctionsScriptBlock
Mar 26, 2009

Tied Variables in PowerShell

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

With Add-Type and $executioncontext you can add special varibles that have tied values. I made $random, and $now add-type @"using System;using System.Management.Automation;public class RandomVariable : PSVariable{Random r;public RandomVariable ()  : base("Random", 0, ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope)  {r = new Rand...
