September 7th, 2023

PSResourceGet Release Candidate is Now Available

Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet is a continuation of the PowerShellGet 3.0 project. The release candidate of this module under the new name is now available on the PowerShell Gallery. This release contains a number of bug fixes. This release is considered “go live” meaning that it is a fully supported release and expected to be of GA quality. After this release we don’t expect to make any changes before we make the module “Generally Available (GA)”. Please test out this module and report any issues so that we can resolve any blocking scenarios before this module becomes GA. Once this module becomes GA we will continue work with both bug patches and new feature releases.

How to install the module

To install from PSResourceGet (which is included in PowerShell 7.4 Preview 5)

Install-PSResource Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet -Prerelease

To install from PowerShellGet 2.2.5

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet -AllowPrerelease

What is included in this preview

This release was focused on bug fixes, and did not introduce any new features

Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix for using Import-PSGetRepository in Windows PowerShell
  • Add error handling when searching for unlisted package versions
  • Bug fix for deduplicating dependencies found from Find-PSResource
  • Added support for non-PowerShell Gallery v2 repositories
  • Bug fix for setting ‘unknown’ repository APIVersion
  • Bug fix for saving a script with -IncludeXML parameter
  • Bug fix to write warning instead of error when package is already installed

For a full list of changes please refer to the changelog.

Documentation Updates

As a part of our efforts with this module we have also been updating the documentation for this module. Please check out the documentation and give us feedback in this repository so we can make improvements.

How to give feedback and Get Support

We cannot overstate how useful user feedback has been in the development of this module.

In order to give feedback or get support please open issues in our GitHub repository.


PowerShell Team


PM on the PowerShell team at Microsoft.

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  • Georgi Hadzhigeorgiev

    Nice, can’t wait for final release