PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

PowerShell ForEach-Object Parallel Feature

PowerShell ForEach-Object Parallel Feature PowerShell 7.0 Preview 3 is now available with a new Experimental feature. This feature is a great new tool for parallelizing work, but like any tool, it has its uses and drawbacks. This article describes this new feature, how it works, when to use it and when not to. What is ForEach-Object -...

New Telemetry in PowerShell 7 Preview 3

Beginning in PowerShell 7 Preview 3, PowerShell will be sending some additional data points to Microsoft. This data will allow us to better understand usage of PowerShell and enable us to prioritize our future investments. These additional points of data were reviewed with the PowerShell community and approved by the PowerShell Committee...

PowerShell 7 Preview 3

PowerShell 7 Preview 3 In May, we published our PowerShell 7 Roadmap. We have been making progress on our roadmap and are currently on track to have a Generally Available (GA) release by end of this calendar year. Long Term Servicing PowerShell 7 GA will also be our first Long Term Servicing (LTS) release which is a change from our ...

Out-GridView Returns

Out-GridView Returns! It's been almost 3 years since PowerShell Core debuted for Linux and Mac, and as we've increased our cmdlet coverage more and more, one cmdlet has always stood out as a top, cross-platform request. Today, we are excited to announce that is debuting on all Core-supported platforms through the GraphicalTools Module. ...

Introducing PowerShell as .NET Global Tool

PowerShell is very suitable for CI/CD scenarios due to its easy and well understood scripting paradigm, and its cross-platform support makes it great for building and testing cross-platform applications. A .NET Global Tool is a special NuGet package that contains a console application. A application can be developed for various ...

Release of PowerShell Script Analyzer 1.18.1

Overview  ()  is now available on the PSGallery and fixes not only a lot of the issues reported for  but has also been made twice as faster compared to . Additionally, the  switch on has been improved to be platform agnostic and should now also work on Linux systems if DSC has been set up. A long standing concurrency bug related to...

DSC Planning Update – June 2019

It has been almost a year since the last DSC Planning update. There has been a lot going on, many decisions being made, and it just didn’t make sense to post earlier in this calendar year. In this post we will review what has been shipped and the high-level direction we are heading.