Showing results for January 2007 - Page 3 of 4 - PowerShell Team

Jan 10, 2007

Sorting out -GroupBy

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Did you realize that Format-Table had a parameter -GroupBy?  This tells Format-Table to generate a series of tables instead of a single table.  The best way to get this in focus is to show an example.  For the purposes of this blog entry, I'm going to use the aliases GSV for Get-Service and FT for Format-Table.  Also, I do...

Jan 9, 2007

Behind PowerShell Installer (for Windows XP / Windows Server 2003):

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

The information here relates to Windows PowerShell 1.0 installer on downlevel platforms (XP SP2, W2K3 SP1 and above). The job of installers is to create an environment on a user’s machine, so that the underlying software works seamlessly on the machine. Typically most installation scripts copies some files and sets some registry keys. This appears ...

Jan 9, 2007

2 + 2 equals "Monday Evening"

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I wanted to follow up on Jeffrey's post and one of the comments.  It has to do with this example: The reason that we get a double rather than an int is because of precedence.  The conversion has a higher precedence than the division operation, so what really means is: "Convert 1 to an integer and then divide by 2", which will result in a...

Jan 8, 2007

Two plus two equals "Monday" ?

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

In PowerShell, two plus two does not always equal four.  Why?  Because there are twos and there are twos. Let me explain.  PowerShell does a ton of work on your behalf so you can think about what you want to do and not how to do it.  Think about the difference between an automatic transmission and a manual one.&nb...

Jan 8, 2007

Windows PowerShell for Testers

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

The PowerShell team is very much into unit testing so, when  I ran into this blog by Adam Geras today, I found it very interesting.  All its entries are on using PowerShell for testing.  I especially liked this entry on using PowerShell and Excel for data driven testing because I always love it when you can leverage o...

Jan 8, 2007

"PowerShell … is there anything it CAN'T do?"

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

This weekend my wife was searching for some stuff and came across the following photo on Flickr :  Apparently someone had taken a photo of the one of the slides during my TechEd talk. I just loved the comment.  This one has a fun comment as well:

Fun & Games
Jan 7, 2007

Yet Another Freakishly PowerFul PowerShell One-liner

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

MOW has done it again.  Check out for another one of MOW's freakishly powerful PowerShell one-liners.  It is so powerful and pithy that makes my head spin.  Enjoy! Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows PowerShell/MMC ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShe...

Jan 6, 2007

Cliff Notes of ConvertTo-Html & Other Language Blogs

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I just saw a PowerShell blog entry on spaces (!744FB258BF8C8020!1291.entry ) but it was in a language I don't read (I think it was Japanese)*.  I thought I would check it out for yucks and was delighted to realizes that while I couldn't understand anything the blogger was saying, I could perfectly...

Jan 6, 2007

Hyphens in Command Names

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

In my previous blog entry, I talked about how Michael Fisher had blogged his intial impressions about PowerShell. One of the things that Michael did not like was the hyphenated command names.  A discussion about the Pros/Cons of hyphens isn't actionable at this point because we've placed our bets and shipped V1.  Even if there wa...

Jan 6, 2007

Blog Your Initial PowerShell Experiences

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Michael Fisher has just started using PowerShell and is blogging his impressions.  You can see them at .  10,000 thanks Michael! I can't tell you how valuable we find it when people do this!  We fully expect that you are going to have to invest a few hour...