PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Windows PowerShell & Windows Vista

We've had many questions about when Windows PowerShell will be released for Windows Vista. We plan to release Windows PowerShell 1.0 by January 31st, 2007.  Cheers! Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows PowerShell/MMC ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at:    http://blogs.msdn.com/PowerShellVisit the Windows PowerShell...

IIS7 and PowerShell – the Lovefest

I had the great honor of demoing PowerShell and IIS7 during BobMu's keynote address at IT Forum in Barcelona.  It is awesome what these two technologies can deliver when used together.  You can find out more about this at the following link: http://www.iis.net/News/Item.aspx?i=1213 10,000 thanks to Sergei Antonov (IIS developer) Bill...

No, really – PowerShell V1.0 IS released :-)

A log   It turns out that having it available on a particular day means different things to different people.  After all, a day has 24 hours in it.  Add the fact that we announced in Barcelona which is 9 hours off Redmond time and you've got 33 hours of interpretation.  :-) 10,000 apologizes for the inconvience.  It ...

IT Forum Day One: Windows Vista and Windows PowerShell

I thought you might enjoy my blog entry on the Windows Vista blog.  Those guys have a much cooler background than we have.  :-)   http://windowsvistablog.com/blogs/windowsvista/archive/2006/11/14/it-forum-day-one-windows-vista-and-windows-powershell.aspx Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows PowerShell/MMC ArchitectVisit the ...

It's a Wrap! Windows PowerShell 1.0 Released!

Today at the keynote at ITForum in Barcelona, we announced the official release of Windows PowerShell 1.0!   For those of you unfamiliar with Windows PowerShell, it is a best of breed next-generation commandline shell designed from the ground up to be flexible and powerful while still remaining easy to use. Many thanks go to our ...

Don't forget your GETs – The importance of naming consistency

PowerShell and SMO are getting together like chocolate and peanut butter.  Yesterday I blogged about Bob Beauchemin's TechEd talk about the today and today I see Dan Sullivan's PowerSMO blog entry: http://pluralsight.com/blogs/dan/archive/2006/11/07/41936.aspx .   Dan includes the scripts he used in a ZIP file so you ...

Day 1: TechEd Developers in Barcelona

I'm finally here at day one of TechEd Developers in Barcelona.  The trip from Seattle is long and hard.  So long and hard that my bags couldn't make it.  They decided to hang out in Coppenhagen for a while.  That explains why I'm walking around looking like Don Johnson (if you are too young to remember Miami Vice...

Working With Text and Files in Windows PowerShell (Part 3)

ScriptCenter has a couple chapters of Bruce Payette's awesome book:  Windows PowerShell in Action.  You can (and should) read part 3 of chapter 10 at: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/topics/winpsh/payette3.mspx Part 3 focuses on XML processing.  If you've ever been coding XML and thought to yourself...