.NET Parallel Programming

All about Async/Await, System.Threading.Tasks, System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Linq, and more…

Maintaining a Consistent Application State with TPL

The aim of this post is to help developers writing applications in which operations may need to be performed and then later undone due to a subsequent failure. It shows a pattern for how to maintain such a consistent application state by utilizing functionality from the Task Parallel Library (TPL) in the .NET Framework 4. For the purposes of ...

FAQ :: Why is the speedup not X on my X-way machine?

We’ll be regularly posting answers to frequently asked questions that we’ve gotten on the forum, internal email lists, etc.  Here’s the first – enjoy! Why is the speedup not X on my X-way machine?  Or, why does my parallel code run slower?  Less than ideal speedup can typically be attributed to two things: 1.  ...