.NET Parallel Programming

All about Async/Await, System.Threading.Tasks, System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Linq, and more…

Q&As from the 2008 Financial Services Developer Conference

A few weeks ago, I presented on Parallel Extensions to the .NET Framework at the 6th annual Microsoft Financial Services Developer Conference (the decks from the conference are now available online).  I had a great time and a great audience, and during the presentation on Thursday I received some good questions.  Here are some of ...

New PLINQ video on Channel 9

Igor and Joe from our Parallel Extensions team sat down with Charles from Channel 9 to discuss the inner workings of PLINQ.  The video of the conversation is now available at https://channel9.msdn.com/showpost.aspx?postid=390736. "Continuing our exploration of the Parallel Computing Platform and the folks who think it up and ...

Implementing the Asynchronous Programming Model with Future

One of our design goals for the Task Parallel Library is to integrate well into existing asynchronous mechanisms in the .NET Framework.  And one of the most common concurrency-related patterns in the .NET Framework is the Asynchronous Programming Model (APM), which typically manifests as a BeginXx method that kicks off an asynchronous ...