.NET Parallel Programming

All about Async/Await, System.Threading.Tasks, System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Linq, and more…

Know Thine Implicit Allocations

For .NET 4.5, we’ve invested quite a bit of effort into performance, and in particular for the Task Parallel Library (Joe Hoag wrote a good paper covering some of these improvements).  We focused such effort on TPL because it is a core component used in async programming and at a foundational level for many libraries and ...

Await, SynchronizationContext, and Console Apps: Part 2

Yesterday, I blogged about how you can implement a custom SynchronizationContext in order to pump the continuations used by async methods so that they may be processed on a single, dedicated thread.  I also highlighted that this is basically what UI frameworks like Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation do with their message ...

Implementing a SynchronizationContext.SendAsync method

I recently saw two unrelated questions, the answers to which combine to form a potentially useful code snippet.The first question was about SynchronizationContext.  SynchronizationContext provides a Post method, which asynchronously schedules the supplied delegate and object state to be executed according to the SynchronizationContext&...

FAQ on Task.Start

Recently I’ve heard a number of folks asking about Task.Start, when and when not to use it, how it behaves,and so forth.  I thought I’d answer some of those questions here in an attempt to clarify and put to rest any misconceptions about what it is and what it does.1. Question: When can I use Task.Start?The Start instance ...